Green Action Week (GAW 2023)

Green Action Week (GAW 2023)

Green Action Week (GAW 2023)


Green Action Week (GAW) is a global campaign to promote sustainable consumption. It is an initiative by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) and is carried out in coordination with Consumers International (CI). This year (2023) Green Action Week will be celebrated from 1st October to 8th October. The theme of GAW 2023 is Sharing Community which works for people and the planet. We need to work together by ensuring that everyone has sustainable access to goods and services.

Objectives of GAW 2023

  1. To address unsustainable Consumption patterns among target groups (audience).
  2. Encouraging use of natural resources, reducing energy consumption and conserve resources and promoting sustainable alternatives.
  3. Supporting sharing community efforts to promote sustainable consumption patterns leading to adopt energy efficiency practices among consumers.

What is sustainable consumption?

Sustainable consumption is the use of products and services in ways that minimizes impacts on the environment. For several years humans have been behaving irresponsibly especially with nature and putting future generations at risk. Everything human does affects nature. The United Nations Environment defines sustainable consumption as the use of material products, energy and immaterial services in such a way that it minimizes the impact on the environment, so that human needs can be met not only in the present but also for future generations. Preserving the planet is not only the responsibility of an individual but requires a collective effort and therefore Sharing Community is so very important. A crucial part of sustainability is that sustainable consumption must enable socio-economic justice for everyone involved in the supply chain, as much as it addresses consumer and environmental concerns.

Current Challenges

India‘s rapid economic growth and urbanization has resulted in the challenge of unsustainable consumption patterns among its population and is an urgent need to address this. Consumer education is crucial to adopt sustainable and responsible consumption practices that minimize environmental impact and ensure a greener future through a sharing community.

With a rapidly growing population and a growing economy, the demand for energy in India has skyrocketed in recent years. At the same time, India is also grappling with severe environmental issues caused by fossil fuel-based energy systems, such as air pollution and climate change. India has a relatively high energy intensity, indicating the amount of energy required to produce a unit of GDP. As per 2019 data India’s per capita energy consumption equals 0.6 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) as compared to the global per capita average of 1.8 toe. In Indian households appliances such as fans, refrigerators, ACs, microwaves and lighting contribute to significant energy consumption. We will be focusing on unsustainable consumption patterns of consumers in various sectors and promote sustainable practices through sharing community efforts.


With the theme “Sharing Community”, Green Action Week seeks to highlight practical examples of more sustainable ways to access goods and services. People have also realised that adopting sustainable practices and reducing plastic consumption in their lives is the best gift that one can give themselves and to the environment.

Sharing Community brings people from diverse backgrounds together despite various limitations to put action oriented efforts through empathy and collaboration. Sharing is a concrete example of a more sustainable consumption culture.


In our Green Action Week (GAW 2023 Campaign) we will promote responsible use of natural resources through energy efficient practices, and exploring sustainable ways of living will be encouraged through sharing community efforts. This will contribute towards reducing resource depletion, minimizing waste generation and creating a more sustainable and greener future for the society.

A workshop with consumers along with energy efficiency expert, environmentalists focusing on:

  • ways leading to energy efficiency and conservation
  • renewable sources such as solar cooker, switching to energy efficient LEDs, using star labelled products
  • dissemination of information of various energy efficiency schemes

A workshop with women & young girls focusing on:

  • promoting various ways to reduce energy consumption
  • promotion /finding natural resources (example using mud pitcher as a water coolant and chik/bamboo usage in houses as a coolant in homes).
  • demonstration of using available natural resources /upcycled products for energy efficiency purposes such as rainwater harvesting, collecting rain water to water plants, flushing toilets.
  • using up-cycled packaging material, finding creative ways to reuse packaging materials can contribute to reduce energy consumption and waste.

Workshop with Children & Youth- Encouraging Children & youth:

  • to adopt sustainable energy saving practices,
  • promote public transportation, pooling of car etc. Encouraging them to manage wastage etc.

Workshop with Children & Youth- Encouraging Children & youth to explore and document different visions of a future world. The goal is to capture the many ways in which people see consumption in this future world, and to inspire change worldwide.

The workshop’s objective is to delve into the concept of sustainable consumption in the future. This will be accomplished by engaging in visioning exercises that capture diverse perspectives on the future. By analyzing and contrasting these varied visions, we aim to craft a comprehensive report accessible to all, intended to spark inspiration. Moreover, our goal is to drive transformative change. Drawing from the success of envisioning alternate futures in futures studies research, we recognize the potential for these workshops to propel us towards positive advancements.

Mini Stories


  • Through community efforts we will promote sustainable patterns and by adopting these patterns consumers can contribute to environmental sustainability, energy conservation and transition to a more sustainable future.
  • Strengthening VOICE of Women -As women play an important role in running daily household activities, strengthening their voices and educating them is very crucial to promote sustainable patterns of energy consumption and to promote energy efficiency.
  • Promoting sustainable way of living for greener future – Sharing community efforts will lead to strengthen the bond among various groups /stakeholders and entire community will be benefitted while tacking environmental problem.


Envisioning Workshop

Consumer VOICE took a proactive step towards shaping a sustainable future by organizing an Envisioning Workshop on the 24th of November in New Delhi, as part of the Green Action Week project...

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Green Action Week (GAW 2022)

Green Action Week (GAW 2022)

Green Action Week (GAW 2022)


Green Action Week (GAW) is a global campaign to promote sustainable consumption. It is an initiative by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) and is carried out in coordination with Consumers International (CI). This year (2022) Green Action Week will be celebrated from 3rd October to 9th October. The theme of GAW 2022 is Sharing Community which works for people and the planet.


Fighting plastic pollution and building a sustainable environment through sharing community.

Objectives of GAW 2022

  1. To create community sharing where citizens are going to put their efforts for society through action-oriented activities.
  2. To train and sensitize various stakeholders such as consumers, vendors, women etc through youth volunteers and influencers, environmental activists, consumer activists on various aspects to fight plastic pollution, inform them about current laws, finding sustainable alternatives and adopt sustainable options in their lives.

Plastic Pollution and its harmful effects

Plastic has its own use but not without harming the environment and our planet. With plastic being used everyday, it is actually choking our planet. To just highlight the severity of the problem, while you are taking a minute to read this, one million plastic bottles are being purchased around the world. Today we produce almost 400 million tonnes of plastic every year. India’s Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) Report (2019-20) stated that 3.5 million metric tonnes of plastic waste are generated in India annually. 

Single use plastic products like water bottles, shampoo bottles, milk packets, food packets, cutlery etc which are now an integral part of our lives is harming the environment. Most of us use these everyday without even thinking where they might end up to. The plastic waste which eventually lands up in oceans and seas are major contributors to ocean pollution and harming the marine life. Plastics do not undergo degradation and therefore stays in the soil for several years thereby affecting the soil fertility. Improper plastic disposal also block the pipes and the drains causing waterlogging.

Addressing the Problem

According to a notification issued by Union Ministry of Environment, forest and climate change, Government of India single use items such as plates, cups, glasses, forks, spoons, knives etc are banned from July 1st ,2022. “The manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of following single-use plastic, including polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, commodities shall be prohibited with effect from the 1st July, 2022,’’ says the Ministry notification. This movement gives a huge scope to sensitize various stakeholders such as housewives, vendors, consumers about alternatives available, sustainable resources to use and to meet the needs and how to contribute to environment friendly practices through community efforts.


With the theme “Sharing Community”, Green Action Week seeks to highlight practical examples of more sustainable ways to access goods and services. People have also realised that adopting sustainable practices and reducing plastic consumption in their lives is the best gift that one can give themselves and to the environment. Sharing Community brings people from diverse backgrounds together despite various limitations to put action oriented efforts through empathy and collaboration. Sharing is a concrete example of a more sustainable consumption culture.


Environmentalist led action oriented workshop to sensitize and educate people on :

  1. Existing laws on single plastic usage and which products comes under single plastic
  2. Use of sustainable products in our day to day lives
  3. Green labelling in India and the products that fall under it

Young volunteers led action oriented workshop will :

  1. Disseminate information about single use plastic and other products harmful for environment and how to choose sustainable, green products.
  2. To Clean plastic from nearby surroundings and reaching out to vendors to make them aware about laws on single use plastic and provide alternatives to customers and also how to disseminate information to customers not to use plastic ,use alternatives

Women led action oriented workshop will :

  1. Help women find out sustainable options in their kitchen and to replace single use plastic or by using existing resources to contribute to sustainability.
  2. Demonstrate recycling of plastic and turning them into useful product using available resources.
  3. Inform them about various recyclers and how they are contributing to environment.

GAW Sensitisation Workshops


  • Sensitized and informed consumers will be contributing towards environment.
  • Sharing community efforts will lead to strengthening the bond among various groups and stakeholders and entire community will be benefitted while tacking environmental problem.
  • Responsible disposal and recycling in safe way contributing to environment with trainers, environmentalists, consumer activists, practicing entrepreneurs who are recycling the products using sustainable alternatives.
  • Vendors and consumers both will be sensitized to opt for alternatives and contribute towards environment through sharing community efforts.


Green Action Week Workshop in Vivek Vihar and Ghaziabad

Green Action Week Workshop in Vivek Vihar and Ghaziabad

Green Action Week Workshop in Vivek Vihar and Ghaziabad

As part of Green Action Week, on the theme of sharing community, Consumer VOICE organised an event on 31st October 2019 with the residents of Vivek Vihar and Ghaziabad (NCR). The residents joined hands by planting air purifying plants and trees to contribute towards clean air for all campaign activities.

Vivek Vihar and Ghaziabad are some of the worst polluted areas in Delhi/NCR. The residents of the region reel under severe pollution and therefore the residents decided to take the fight in their hands through ‘Community Sharing’.

Women participants shared their experiences on green practices and working together in the community. They enthusiastically participated in the planting activities and decided to involve their kids in environmental friendly activities.

Ms.Rinki Sharma,Head Projects Consumer Voice addressed the gathering along with Shri Virender Rawat from the society association.

Participants were sensitized on the problem of air pollution and how joint efforts can contribute towards the solution. There were discussions on green practices such as using compost pit ,discarding single use plastic from everyday life, pooling for vehicles and adopting a healthy way of life etc. Participants appreciated the efforts of Consumer VOICE where they can work together and learn from each other.

Green Action Week Workshop in Rajpur Khurd village

Green Action Week Workshop in Rajpur Khurd village

Green Action Week Workshop in Rajpur Khurd village

As part of Green Action Week, the residents of Rajpur Khurd village joined hands by planting air purifying plants and trees on 12 Oct 2019. Based on the theme of sharing community, Consumer VOICE celebrated Green Action Week, with the residents of Rajpur Khurd village who enthusiastically planted trees for a cleaner and greener environment.Participants were sensitized on the problem of air pollution and how joint efforts can contribute towards the solution. Discussion also took place regarding green practices such as using compost pit ,discarding single use plastic from day to day life ,adopting a healthy way of life etc.
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Green Action Week 2019 – An Interactive Workshop with the Student Community

Green Action Week 2019 – An Interactive Workshop with the Student Community

Green Action Week 2019 – An Interactive Workshop with the Student Community

Consumer VOICE organized an interactive workshop with more than 40 students of Soami Nagar Model School, New Delhi, as part of its Green Action Week Activities 2019. On 17th September, 2019, the enthusiastic students with their teachers, school staff and consumer voice team members joined hands in an effort to fight air pollution in the city.  A few selected students from last year’s workshop also shared their experience on the theme of ‘Sharing Community’ and their efforts to minimize air pollution.Noted environmentalist Shri Verhaen Khanna of New Delhi Nature Society along with Ms. Rinki Sharma, Head –Projects & CSR, Consumer VOICE interacted with the students and shared their experiences of planting saplings in their home which helped in purifying the air around.

An environment  based quiz also was designed to increase team work and to create awareness among school children. All students participated with full enthusiasm in the quiz activity.

School Principal, Ms.Aarti Prasad encouraged the students to take care of their plants and also reminded the children of their responsibility towards the environment. She appreciated the theme of “sharing community”.

All the students learnt about taking care of plants, the importance of sustainable environment and importance of adopting practices such as avoiding plastic, utilising waste material etc.

Air purifying plants like snake plant, spider plant, ficus panda etc were planted. The workshop was an enriching one as the students enoyed the activities and took pledge to take care of the plants.

Workshop on Green Action Week in Soami Nagar, New Delhi

Workshop on Green Action Week in Soami Nagar, New Delhi

Workshop on Green Action Week in Soami Nagar, New Delhi

As part of Green Action Week activities, Consumer VOICE successfully organised , its first ever women centric workshop on 4th September 2019 at Soami Nagar New Delhi. With the theme ‘Community Sharing’, it witnessed an enthusiast participation of more than 60 women from different age groups including senior citizens.

Ms.Rinki Sharma (Head -projects Consumer VOICE) started this interactive workshop with the welcome address and introduction of the subject. She briefed the gathering about Green Action Week activities and worldwide efforts towards sustainable consumption. She also spoke about the problem of lack of clean air and how sharing community can help tackle the problem. They also took pledge to take care of trees and plants.

Ms.Sarita Kalia who is associated with the Rotary Club and Ms.Nalini Ahluwalia, social activist also addressed the gathering and urged the women community to use kitchen waste in a sustainable way. They also shared various green practices such as discarding plastic, use of cloth bag and encouraged children to discard plastic cutlery.

Participants took keen interest in the workshop and participated enthusiastically in the activities of the workshop. They also shared their innovative ideas to protect the environment.

It was a very successful workshop and we witnessed the great enthusiasm and feeling of community sharing among the women leading to contribution towards greener planet.

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