About us
Journey So Far
Submitted a petition for an immediate introduction of Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill (2017) in the monsoon session at the central level to the Hon’ble Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari presented.
Consumer VOICE filed a writ petition against the adulteration of milk. Supreme Court directed the Government to amend the law on adulteration and introduce life imprisonment for milk adulteration.
Impact – Green dot (vegetarian) and Brown dot (non-vegetarian) marking on packaged food products was initiated.
Grant received from GTZ for increasing testing and Consumer VOICE outreach and new team members in various departments were inducted.
VOICE Society was registered primarily to publish Consumer VOICE Magazine and apply for land from DDA.
Mandatory ISI marking on bottled natural mineral water by Ministry of Health and Ministry of Consumer Affairs was triggered by the findings & recommendation of Consumer VOICE study and testing of 13 brands of bottle natural mineral water.
VOICE was admitted as part of Consumers International (CI) at its Montpellier Conference and got the first grant of US$ 10000 from CU USA after getting FCRA registration.
Started publishing one page on Consumer Affairs in University Times on a fortnightly basis.
200 copies of Buying Guide to Colour TVs were published.
Sathi Nair Committee was set up and its report accepted by the government to start Comparative Product Testing.
A proposal was sent to Ministry of Civil Supplies for a grant to test CTVs at ERTL (N) labs set up with German assistance.
VOICE was registered as a charitable trust with Justice V M Tarkunde and Prof P.K Ghosh as donors.
VOICE vs Maruti Udyog was filed where SC stayed out of turn allotment of cars.
Second Case of VOICE vs. ITC was filed in MRTPC (Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission).
First case of VOICE vs. Bharat TV filed in MRTPC (Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission).