World No Tobacco Day 2020 – Towards a tobacco free generation

Tobacco products kill more than 8 million people every year which effectively means the future generation. With each passing day, tobacco and related industry is becoming smarter by the day. To target adolescents, the tobacco industry is coming up with several tricks and tactics.



GAW 2024Green Action Week (GAW) is a global campaign to promote sustainable consumption. It is an initiative by the Swedish Society for Nature...

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Food Safety

Food Safety

AFF ProjectsThe Anne Fransen Fund (AFF) of Consumers International was founded in 1988 following the death of Anne Fransen, the first director of...

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Public Health

Public Health

Road Safety InitiativeAccording to the road transport and highways ministry, half a million accidents are reported in India every year, in which...

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भारत में गैंम चेंजर साबित होते स्वास्थ्य विनियम

भारत में गैंम चेंजर साबित होते स्वास्थ्य विनियम

भारत में विगत वर्षों में कुछ स्वास्थ्य विनियम पारित किए हैं जो सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य के दृष्टिकोण से गैम चेंजर होने चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए स्कूल मे फूड...

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