Sustainable Healthy Foods for the consumers – Right to choose healthy foods

Choose Healthy Foods
India is termed the diabetes capital of the world with the diabetic population in the country estimated to hit 69.9 million by 2025 and 80 million by 2030 – an increase of 266%. In India, nearly 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 20 children are classified as overweight or obese. Rates are increasing faster in India than the world average, and obesity prevalence is expected to more than triple by the year 2040, without intervention. Nearly 63% of total deaths in India are due to non-communicable diseases, of which 27% are attributed to cardiovascular disease which affects 45% people in the 40-69 age group. Evidence increasingly indicates that growing worldwide consumption of ultra-processed junk foods and sugary drinks is a major driver of the global obesity epidemic — including childhood obesity — and increases in prevalence of other nutrition-related diseases. Scientific evidence highlights foods and beverages providing energy high in added sugar, sodium, saturated fat and any added trans-fat – which are referred to as nutrients of concern, have a detrimental impact on health. Front-of-package labels are an evidence-based policy tool, backed by decades of research showing that they can effectively nudge consumers towards healthier foods and drinks while also encouraging industry to improve the nutritional profile of the products they sell. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends FOPL as a key policy to promote healthy diets and reduce NCD prevalence worldwide. Most consumers are unaware of the presence of critical nutrients on food packets and how to read food labels. FOPL will help consumers understand and read labels and make informed choices.

About the Project

Consumers have the right to choose healthy foods that are low in salt, sugar and fats through correct information. Front of Pack Labelling (FOPL) is an effective tool which provides consumers information and alerts them about unhealthy ingredients, and helps consumers to choose healthy products. Through this project we are aiming to empower consumers by informing and educating them about Front of Label Packaging (FOPL) as most of the consumers are unaware about food labels. Most consumers are not aware of the presence of salt, sugar, and fats on packaged foods and are therefore unable to make informed choices. Using Front of Pack Lables (FOPL), consumers can make informed and healthy food choices. They can choose foods that are low on fats, sugar and salt.


  1. To inform and educate consumers about importance of Front Of Pack Labelling (FOPL) and enable them to make informed and healthy choices.
  2. To sensitize consumers and help them correctly and quickly identify products that contain excessive amount of sugars, fats, and salt.
  3. To empower consumers and help them distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods and make the right choice.


  • Consumer sensitization through workshops and train the trainer workshops to spread awareness about food labels.
  • Media sensitization through regional and online coverages.
  • Short videos will help in amplification of messaging on how to choose healthy foods
  • Social media campaign through various stakeholders such as consumer organisations, public health experts, nutrionists and research professionals that  will  help in reaching to consumers and create a buzz
  • Development and distribution of IEC materials in different languages so that more consumers can be  sensitized .

Expected Outcomes

  • Consumers will be sensitized on food lables and how to identify presence of critical nutrients on food packets.
  • Consumer workshops and awareness through various digital tools will help reach a greater audience and videos in different languages will help consumers understand the importance of food labels and make healthy and informed choices.
  • Consumers will ask for healthier food choices for a better and fitter healthy life
  • Consumers can quickly identify foods that are High in Salt, Sugar and Fats and make informed choice.


Workshop in Delhi-NCR on Food Labeling

Consumer VOICE, organized a sensitization workshop on Importance of Food Labeling at Dayanand Secondary School, Vivek ViharRead More

Workshop in Gujarat on Food Labelling

Consumer VOICE organised an interactive workshop with the students on 7th November with the support of our Gujarat State PartnerRead More

Workshop in Madhya Pradesh on Food Labeling

In collaboration with Consumer VOICE, New Delhi, a sensitization workshop on food labeling was organized on 1st October… Read More

Workshop on Food Labelling West Bengal

Consumer VOICE, organised  a sensitization workshop on Importance of Food Labeling at Bamanpukur Humayun Kabir Mahavidyala Bamanpukur,West Bengal along with  state… Read More



Food Labels: The Need and Importance!

To find the greatest deal, shoppers frequently examine the costs of foods in the grocery store. Read More

Food Labelling Can Help Prevent NCDs

India faces equally difficult issues with regard to food, nutrition, and health. About 5.87 million of all fatalities worldwide. Read More

Food Labels: Look at them!

Meera and her mother were shopping. She requested her favourite soft drink and snacks. Her mother, however, suggested that she eat something wholesome. Read More

Food Labels: Understanding them

Food label consists of necessary information about the total amount of product contained in a packet, its composition and ingredients. Read More

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