Which is the Safest Toothpaste

Which is the Safest Toothpaste

These toothpastes are safe

Best Toothpaste

We tested the eight brands on parameters such as presence of nicotine and heavy metals, microbiological contamination, fluoride ion, fineness, foaming power, dispensing, inertness, gritty matter, pH and stability.

The samples were tested as per specifications in Indian Standard 6356 –2001, with amendments that cover non-fluoride/fluoridated type of toothpastes. The tests were conducted at an NABL-accredited laboratory.

RankTotal Score out of 100
(rounded off)
BrandVariantTypeQuantity (gm)MRP (Rs)Price per 100 gmBest before
Manufac- tured/Mar- keted by
197ColgateStrong teethFluoridated800 (buy 3,
get 1 free)
26444.0023Colgate Palmolive Ltd
197CloseupEver freshFoaming, fluoridated150+15014448.0024HUL Ltd
294PepsodentCavity protectionFoaming, fluoridated150+150
(toothbrush worth Rs 30 free)
11839.3324HUL Ltd
294SensodyneFresh mint (for sensi- tive teeth)Foaming, fluori- dated150160106.024GSK Asia Pvt.
392HimalayaComplete careFoaming, fluoridated1507650.6636Himalaya Drugs Co.
197MeswakComplete oral careFoaming, non-fluoridated2009648.0024Dabur India Ltd
295BaboolCavity protectionFoaming, non-fluoridated175+175
(two tooth- brushes worth Rs 30 free)
8825.1424Dabur India Ltd
393HimalayaSparkling whiteNon-fluoridated150+150+80
17056.6636Himalaya Drugs Co.

Score Rating: >90: very good*****, 71–90: good****, 51–70: fair***, 31–50: average**, up to

30: poor*

CV Recommendations|Top Performers


Colgate | Closeup



Value For Money







Nicotine | Heavy Metals | Microbiological Contamination | Fineness | Fluoride Ion | Stability | Foaming Power | pH | Dispensing | Inertness | Gritty Matter


There may be tooth paste having tobacco which contains nicotine. Nicotine use in dentifrices can have harmful effects and is an addictive. We have tested for presence of nicotine in Tooth Pastes.

  • None of the brands was found to have nicotine.
Heavy metals

Presence of heavy metals above the maximum permissible limit as per the Indian Standard can be harmful. All the brands were tested for lead and arsenic. For both fluoridated and non-fluoridated toothpastes, the maximum permissible limit for lead is 20 ppm and for arsenic it is 2 ppm.

  • All brands were within the specified limit for the heavy metals lead and arsenic. Traces of these metals were found in Babool, Sensodyne and Meswak but these remained below the maximum limits.
Fluoride ion

The national standard has specified 1,000 ppm as the maximum limit for fluoride ion in fluoridated toothpastes and 50 ppm in non-fluoridated toothpastes.

  • All the brands of fluoridated as well as non- fluoridated toothpastes met the specified
  • Colgate and Closeup scored highest on this
Fineness (particles retained on sieve)

Fineness of the toothpaste was checked on two sieves of 150 and 75 microns.

  • All the brands were within the specified limit.

The toothpaste shall not show any physical sign of deterioration during normal conditions of storage and use.

  • All brands fulfilled the required

Foaming Power

Foaming is required to be a minimum 50 ml in

toothpastes as per the relevant Indian Standard.

  • Foam in all the brands was above the minimum requirement of 50 ml. Pepsodent (190 ml) generated the highest foam height, followed closely by Colgate (188 ml).

The paste shall extrude from the collapsible tube or any other suitable container in the form of continuous mass with the application of normal force. It shall be possible to extrude bulk of the contents from the container or the tube starting from the crimped end, by rolling the tube gradually.

  • All brands performed as required.

pH value of toothpastes is required to be in the 5.5–10.5 range. As the toothpaste comes directly inside the mouth, its pH should be neutral or nearer to neutral.

  • While all the brands were within the permissible range, only a few were nearer to the neutral value of 7.
Gritty Matter

A small quantity of the toothpaste is rubbed across butter paper, which is then checked for coarse particles or scratches. This test is done to check for presence of solid particles in the toothpaste.

  • All brands passed the test
ParameterWeightage (%)ColgateCloseupPepsodentSensodyneHimalaya Complete CareMeswakBaboolHimalaya Sparkling White
Heavy metals101010108.70109.60810
Microbiological contamination1010101010101010
Fluoride ion109.769.877.068.337.199.659.827.16
Foaming Power87.427.047.526.565.987.047.336.56
Gritty matter444444444

For General Qualities


Each pack should feature the following details about the product:

  1. Name and type of toothpaste
  2. Name and address of manufacturer/marketer
  3. Net mass or volume of material in tube
  4. Batch number
  5. Month and year of manufacturing
  6. Expiry date or ‘best before’
  7. Fluoride ion content in ppm on fluoridated toothpaste
  8. Foaming/Non-foaming
  9. List of key ingredients
  10. Green dot for vegetarian status
  11.  MRP
    • All brands have the required
    • Meswak and Babool do not provide directions for use.

The toothpaste shall be packed in a collapsible tube from which the paste can be easily extracted. The tube should also be of food-grade quality as the product is in direct contact with the packing material.

  • All brands were in collapsible tubes and packed in printed cardboard boxes.

Net Weight

Net weight should not be less than the declared quantity and shall be within the permitted limits of Legal Metrology Rules. Permissible error for 50–100 gm is 4.5 gm and for 100–200 gm it is 4.5 per cent of the quantity declared.

Net weight in all the brands is either as per declaration as or higher than the declared value.

Key Findings

  • Based on the overall test findings, Colgate and Closeup are the top performers in fluoridated category and in non-fluoridated category it is
  • The value-for-money brands are Pepsodent in fluoridated category and Babool in non- fluoridated
  • All brands fulfilled all requirements specified in Indian Standard.
  • All brands performed well on quality parameters such as pH, fluoride ion, fineness, stability, dispensing and inertness.
  • Nicotine was not found in any of the tested brands.
  • Pepsodent was found to have the highest foaming power.
  • All brands passed in the microbiological and heavy metal tests.

Is your toothpaste healthy? Do you know the harmful ingredients toothpaste can have?

Is your toothpaste healthy? Do you know the harmful ingredients toothpaste can have?

Is your toothpaste healthy? Do you know the harmful ingredients toothpaste can have?

Healthy Toothpaste

Have you ever wondered what the ingredients of your toothpaste are? Do you know why most food items taste bitter after brushing your teeth? Is it possible that some of the ingredients in the toothpaste are harmful even? Read on to know how to pick suitable toothpaste from the market and while at it, learn some tips that will help you to keep your teeth healthy.

Brushing our teeth is a part of our daily routine. It’s important to maintain dental hygiene to be able to lead a healthy life. Since ancient times, different methods have been in use across the globe to maintain dental hygiene.  This includes using herbs, tree twigs and bizarre items such as burnt egg shells, pumice stone powders and even crushed bones. The toothpastes and tooth powders that we use today were commercialised in the 19th century.

Harmful Ingredients in Toothpastes

The varieties of toothpaste available today are marketed highlighting their respective unique selling propositions (USPs), whether it’s a so-called special ingredient or a specific purpose. Examples: ‘salt in the toothpaste’, ‘whiter teeth in four weeks’, ‘totally herbal’, ‘it is natural’.  These claims are tricky. Thus, before making a purchase decision, it is important to carefully check the ingredients list at the back of the pack.

Here we have listed some of the harmful ingredients found commonly in Toothpastes:


Triclosan is a chemical that has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Toothpastes containing this chemical often claim that it helps in preventing plaques and gingivitis. This claim is true but triclosan is also associated with concerns such as antimicrobial resistance and hormonal disruptions (specifically oestrogen and testosterone). It has also been found to alter thyroid hormone metabolism.

Triclosan is also known to cause allergy in some individuals. Worryingly, prolonged use of triclosan is associated with development of tumors. Not only this, when triclosan reacts with the chlorine molecules present in chlorinated tap water, certain compounds are created which react with UV rays and lead to formation of dioxins. Dioxins themselves are known to cause adverse effects on health. This includes impaired immune functions, diabetes and thyroid disorders. It is also known to get accumulated in adipose tissues and cause dioxin toxicity.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate(SLS)

Many toothpastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate. It is commonly used in toothpastes, shampoos, shaving creams, bath formulations, floor cleaners and soaps. SLS is also used as a food additive. It is actively used as an emulsifying agent.

SLS is known to impact the taste buds present in the tongue by temporarily numbing the perception of sweetness. This contributes to the bitter taste that we experience if we eat something after brushing our teeth. SLS is known to cause canker sores and xerostomia (dry mouth).


Fluoride has been known to prevent the decaying of teeth. Brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste aids in re-mineralisation of teeth’s enamel along with calcium and phosphates. That explains its presence in toothpastes.

Yet, there is also the fact that dental fluorosis is a concern related to fluoride. It occurs due to excessive consumption of fluoride. Young children often swallow toothpaste and this may lead to excess of fluoride in their system. Dental fluorosis discolours the teeth.  The staining can range from white flecks to deep brown stains.

Excess of fluoride has toxic effects on many tissues: teeth, bones and the thyroid gland.

Interestingly, there is some evidence that theobromine (which occurs naturally in nature and is a cacao extract) is more effective in aiding re-mineralisation.

Propylene Glycol

Propylene glycol is used in many cosmetic products including toothpastes. It can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Propylene-glycol allergy is likely to affect people with vitamin D deficiency or those with fungal infections. Affected individuals experience extreme dryness in the facial area.

Propylene glycol is also known to affect the environment adversely. It requires oxygen for its degradation. This affects aquatic life adversely. Therefore, dissolved oxygen is needed to be administered in water that contains propylene glycol. This aids in microbial decomposition of propylene glycol.

How to Pick Toothpaste that is free from harmful ingredients

Carefully check the ingredients list while picking a toothpaste from the market. Avoid the ingredients mentioned above or choose a paste that has minimum amounts of these ingredients. If you are shopping a toothpaste for your kid, check the directions carefully.

Make a Dental Hygiene Paste at Home

Add a few drops of lemon or peppermint oil in a teaspoon of baking soda. Then add water to it. This paste can be used daily to brush teeth.

For kids, avoid buying toothpastes containing fluoride. Also, if it has a bright fun colour, skip it.  It indicates the presence of synthetic dyes (mostly derived from petroleum and coal tar) and these can accumulate over time in the body.

Diet and Tooth Decay

Diet has a major role in causing teeth decay. Sugar specifically affects the teeth adversely. When we eat sugar, the pH of the mouth changes (it becomes acidic). This leads to demineralisation of teeth and in turn leads to development of dental cavities caused by microbes.


Medicated Toothpastes – Pros and Cons

Medicated Toothpastes – Pros and Cons

Medicated Toothpastes – Pros and Cons

With time, medical science innovations are increasing at a rapid pace. One of the innovations of medical science that has got a lot of attention lately is the invention of medicated toothpastes.  As the name suggests, these toothpastes have some medicinal properties. They are created specifically to help in solving an oral health issue.

If you are also considering choosing medicated toothpastes, we suggest you go through the following pros and cons of medicated toothpastes as it will help you to make a smarter decision.


  • Medicated toothpastes have proven to solve different types of oral health issues like tooth sensitivity, receding gums, etc.
  • Some toothpastes can even solve multiple health problems at once like bad breath, tooth sensitivity, etc.
  • Even if a person doesn’t have an oral health issue, using a medicated toothpaste can help in preventing problems. For instance, fluoride toothpastes can make teeth resistant to the attack of bacteria present in the mouth.
  • Generic versions of most medicated toothpastes are available these days. It means that you get a toothpaste with similar ingredients at a lower price. It’s great for your budget.


  • If used without the prescription of a medical professional, using these types of toothpastes can lead to disastrous
  • Even when you use them under medical supervision, it is likely that you might be exposed to some of the side effects printed on the label.
  • You need to follow precise instructions regarding the use of medicated toothpastes. Not doing so can lead to severe outcomes.
  • Small children or people who can’t spit properly due to some reason should avoid medicates, especially fluoride toothpastes as it may lead to fluoride toxicity.
  • Though medicated toothpastes may offer some relief from oral health issues, they can rarely serve as a replacement for the need to visit a dentist and getting a treatment done.
  • Most medicated toothpastes are expensive as compared to the usual toothpastes so, they can make a dent in your monthly budget.

In essence, it can be said that though useful, medicated toothpastes also have many flaws and drawbacks. You should limit their use and should avoid being toodependent on them whenever possible. The best way to stay away from them is to ofcourse, maintain good oral health by practicing good oral health habits!


Types of Toothpastes

Types of Toothpastes

Types of Toothpastes

Toothpaste Types

When you want to buy toothpaste from the market, you will come across different types of toothpastes offered by different brands. Choosing the right one can be a real problem until you know what options you have and which toothpaste will meet your expectations. A simple solution to this problem is to learn about five different types of toothpastes that may help you to select one.

Desensitizing Toothpastes

A lot of people suffer due to sensitive teeth. If you are one of them, you should ask your dentist about a desensitizing toothpaste that has ingredients which can eliminate discomfort and pain after regular use. These kinds of toothpastes usually have a two-pronged approach. First, they block dentinal tubules of dentine and second, they intersect the neuron response to pain stimuli. Knowing the cause of sensitivity might help you to decide which option is best for you.

Anti-Decay Toothpastes

These types of toothpastes have fluoride compounds like Stannous Fluoride (SnF2), Monofluorophosphate (MFP2) and Sodium Fluoride (NaF). When selecting such a toothpaste, you should pick one that has a fluoride content of 1,000 parts per million or more than that. It might help in preventing tooth decay. Even children fluoride toothpastes options are available,but they usually have only 500 parts per million of fluoride content and are usually available in different flavors like fruit, candy, etc.

Teeth Whitening Toothpastes

Who doesn’t want pearly white and dazzling teeth? We all do. This is why more and more people want teeth whitening toothpastes. If you are one of them, you should know that these types of toothpastes contain coarse abrasives that abrade the stains present on the surface of the teeth. Hence, you get the whitening effect.

Anti-Calculus Toothpaste

These types of toothpastes boast of calcification of dental plague so they may help in reducing the rate of formation of calculus. The active ingredients in these kinds of toothpaste are Zinc Citrate or Pyrophosphate. For the uninitiated, calculus is a form of dental plaque that has been hardened. It is also known as tartar.

Anti-Plaque Toothpastes

These kinds of toothpastes have multiple benefits. They help in stopping the formation of plaque, reduce the effects of bacterial toxins on the tissues that surround the teeth and hence contribute in reducing the chances of gum disease. Different anti-plaque kinds of toothpaste have different active ingredients. Zinc Citrate and Triclosan are the most common ones.

It is clear that there are many types of toothpastes and all of them have their virtues. We strongly recommend that you talk to a dentist while selecting any of these toothpastes and don’t use them for years without consulting the dentist again. Long term use without medical supervision might lead to more dental issues in the future.


Charcoal in Toothpaste – Is it good or bad?

Charcoal in Toothpaste – Is it good or bad?

Charcoal in Toothpaste – Is it good or bad?

charcoal in toothpaste

There were times when you heard the word charcoal, you thought of the old charcoal stoves on which your grandmothers used to cook food. But now, charcoal is present in everything from a face mask to a toothpaste.

If you want to know whether charcoal in toothpaste is a smart idea or it’s just another trend that will pass away with time then do read on.

What is Activated Charcoal and How it Works?

Before we move ahead with the details, you should know that charcoal in toothpaste is usually activated charcoal. It is a form of carbon which has been treated. After the treatment, the surface of the particles becomes porous. This surface helps the activated charcoal to attract unwelcome substances like bacteria, viruses, stains, tartar, etc.) in the mouth. These substances wash away with charcoal when you rinse your mouth.

The Good
  • Using charcoal in toothpaste is a smart idea because it clings to and helps in washing away all the unwelcome substances we mentioned before.
  • It also helps in attaining whiter teeth by helping in removing stains from foods like coffee, alcohol or even smoking.
  • It can also detoxify your mouth by removing plaque and food particles that can harm your oral health.

The Bad

  • Like everything else on the planet, people want to know the side effects of using charcoal in toothpaste. Well, there are a few,and you can find them here.
  • Charcoal is more abrasive than many other toothpaste ingredients so there are genuine concerns whether it would damage enamel (a protective layer in your mouth).
  • It is also a concern that charcoal can absorb all things, even medications and hence the people using it might not get the benefits of some medications they are dependent on.
  • Many charcoal toothpastes have baking soda that can lead to or increase existing tooth sensitivity.

A simple solution for everyone who wants to know about charcoal in toothpaste would be to use charcoal-based toothpaste in smaller quantities and not expect too much from it. You can use it to remove surface stains,but it can’t be as effective as teeth whitening treatments done at a dentists’ office.

You should also know that if you rinse your mouth with charcoal-based toothpaste and not swallow it, it won’t get into your digestive tract and hence, won’t absorb any vital medications.

If you use charcoal-based toothpastes in limited quantities and under the supervision of a dentist, you will be able to avoid getting the enamel damaged or be a victim of tooth sensitivity. In case you don’t want to buy a charcoal-based toothpaste right away, you can try a toothbrush with charcoal-infused bristles every other day. They are a safer option and usually give the same results.


Whitening Toothpaste – Does It Really Whiten Your Teeth

Whitening Toothpaste – Does It Really Whiten Your Teeth

Whitening Toothpaste – Does It Really Whiten Your Teeth

Teeth Whitening

Everyone dreams of having pearly white teeth that are perfectly aligned and make us more beautiful. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have near perfect teeth,andthis compels us to rely on everything that promises to help, be it the baking soda or whitening toothpaste.

If you are an Indian consumer who is thinking about whitening toothpaste- does it really whiten your teeth then you have landed on the correct webpage. Here, we will not only guide you through the pros and cons of whitening toothpastes but will also let you know of a few alternatives that can be quite effective as well.

Pros of a Whitening Toothpaste

The top benefits of using teeth whitening toothpaste are:

  • You can get rid of surface stains due to foods like coffee pretty easily.
  • Using a whitening toothpaste doesn’t need any extra effort. You can use it as a regular toothpaste only.
  • The cost of these toothpastes is not too high when compared to the benefits it offers, yes, we are talking about the pearly white teeth you desire.

Cons of a Whitening Toothpaste

The common issues regarding using a whitening toothpaste are:

  • The first side effect of using a tooth whitening toothpaste is that it takes a long time to show the results. Some of you might feel frustrated if they don’t see the results in a day or two.
  • Many whitening toothpastes are abrasive,and hence they can attack enamel layer that protects the teeth from decay and sensitivity. If the layer of enamel thins, it can make the teeth look darker than they are and hence cancel out the entire purpose of using a whitening toothpaste.
  • People who have stains that are deeper than they appear to be. A whitening toothpaste might not work in such a scenario.

Whitening Toothpaste Alternatives

If you want to try a few alternatives to whitening toothpastes then here are a few options:

  • After having teeth staining foods like tea or coffee, make sure that you rinse your mouth.
  • Avoid the use of tobacco or smoking.
  • Have more cheese, apple or celery as they can rub away potential stains.
  • Contact a dentist to get a tooth whitening treatment.

In essence, it can be said that whitening toothpastes can be effective for many people and they may do more damage than good to other people. A smart move would be to talk to your dentist regarding teeth whitening toothpastes and buy a small one. If you are satisfied with the results, then only continue its use. Also, remember that you don’t need to use a whitening toothpaste forever, you can use it for as long as you need it and then switch back to your usual toothpaste.


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