Seminar on Reducing Alcohol Consumption in Lucknow
VOICE society supported by Consumer Guild and in collaboration with Department of Public Administration, University of Lucknow successfully organised a seminar on “Sensitization of Students about Ill of Irresponsible Drinking” at DPA Hall, Lucknow University campus on 24th April, 2024.
The seminar which was presided by Prof. N.L. Bharti-Head Dept. of Public Administration, University of Lucknow was attended by more than 100 students, and faculty members.
While Hemant Upadhyay (Consumer VOICE) spoke on social issues; Dr. Pravesh Dwivedi (Director-Samarth) on Medical issues and Traffic Inspector Radhey Shyam Singh addressed the students on legal issues on irresponsible drinking
These was a healthy and informative QA session of about 1 hour where the whole audience participated.