AFF Projects

The Anne Fransen Fund (AFF) of Consumers International was founded in 1988 following the death of Anne Fransen, the first director of Consumers International member organisation, Consumentenbond in 1981. The main aim of the fund is to promote and support the growth of consumer organizations in developing countries. 

Over the years, Consumer VOICE has empowered various consumer groups including the marginalised and the vulnerable on digital issues, so that they may effectively explore the opportunities provided by digitally empowered knowledge economy, on protecting and and sensitising the children on the harmful effects of trans fat and promoting sustainable healthy foods for consumers

Digital Literacy | Transfat Free Children | Right to choose Healthy Foods

FOPL Project

Front-of-Pack Labelling (FOPL) refers to the nutrition labeling systems present on the front side of the food packages. FOPLs are based on nutrient profiling models.

These profiling These profiling models either consider the overall nutrition quality of the product or/the nutrients of concern associated with non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, etc. FOPLs often focus on presenting the nutrition information thoroughly and comprehensively.

Nearly 5.8 million people or 1 in 4 Indians are at a risk of dying from an NCD before they reach the age of 70.

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Loose Edible Oil Testing

Despite the ban on selling of loose edible oil by the Government of India, it is still available in large quantities in various states including Delhi NCR particularly in rural and slum areas. Based on various media report on adulteration in edible oil, Consumer VOICE had taken up the study on testing of loose oils available in various states of our county.

The lab test results would be reviewed thoroughly by experts and detail report will be published in Consumer voice magazine and alerted the consumers regarding the adulteration through other electronic media. The test findings will also be forwarded to Government regulators for necessary action on the matter.

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Salt Fortification

Iodine is one of the key micronutrients, essential for mental and physical development of human beings. Though, required in a very minute quantity (150–250 microgram per day), deficiency of iodine results in wide array of preventable disorders collectively known as iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). To make it more affordable, it is added to the salt.

However, consumers do not have any specific tool which would help them differentiate iodized salt from non-iodized salt. Iodine content in salt is not an important indicator for the consumers to decide on the preferred edible salt brand or type of salt. 

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