Paneer- which brands did (not) clear the microbiological safety test?

Paneer- which brands did (not) clear the microbiological safety test?

Paneer- which brands did (not) clear the microbiological safety test?

Paneer, the delight and pride of vegetarians, is consumed widely in India and the packaged product and the loose variant have their own share of patronage.As any other dairy product, paneer needs cold storage and everyone knows that. The question is: is the cold chain maintained throughout the supply chain? After all, paneer spoils bacteriologically at room temperature. What are the guidelines and regulations in this regard and are all packaged brands safety- and hygiene-compliant? The following report reproduces the findings of a firsthand study of the samples of eight popular brands of paneer. Find out how your favourite paneer brand fared in the tests. Apart from being microbiologically safe, does it have the requisite milk fat, protein, calcium, and energy value? Does it have the right balance of moisture and milk fat? Most of us look out for ‘soft’ attributes like the appearance and texture, but clearly there is a case for knowing if the paneer adheres to the regulatory standards.

Consumer Voice Report

We tested eight popular brands of packaged paneer on a range of quality, safety and acceptability parameters. These included milk fat, protein, calcium, energy, cholesterol, moisture and titratable acidity. The brands were further subjected to microbiological safety tests for total plate count (TPC), E. coliform, yeast and mould, S. aureus, Salmonella and
L. Monocytogenes, as well as sensory panel tests.
We will begin the report with results of microbiological tests as the results of these tests nullify all other results (physical, chemical, sensory). Even if the paneer performs fine in various other tests, failing the microbiological tests means that it is ‘not suitable for human consumption in raw form’.

The samples were tested as per specification laid out by FSS Regulations and the relevant Indian Standard IS: 10484 (specifications for paneer), as well as IS: 15346 (specifications for methods of sensory evaluation of paneer). The tests were conducted at an NABL- accredited laboratory.


Rank Total Score out of 100 (rounded off) Brand Quantity (gm) MRP (Rs) Best before Manufactured/Marketed by
1 87 Ananda 200 70 15 days Gopaljee Dairy Foods Pvt. Ltd
2 86 Amul 200 65 45 days Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd
3 83 Gowardhan 200 75 75 days Parag Milk Foods Ltd
4 79 Mother Dairy 200 65 15 days Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetable Pvt. Ltd
4 79 Paras 200 70 15 days VRS Foods Pvt. Ltd
5 77 Nova 200 60 (Rs 10 off) 10 days Sterling Agro Industries Ltd
6 71 Vita 200 60 ‘Use by’ date given The Ballabgarh Co-op Milk Producers Union Ltd
7 69 Verka 200 60/65 (Delhi, HP) ‘Use by’ date given Ropar District Co-op Milk Producers Union Ltd


Note: ‘Use by’ date is given where shelf life is not more than seven days.
Score Rating: >90: very good*****, 71–90: good****, 51–70: average***, 31–50: poor**, <30: very poor*

CV Recommendations

Top Performer


Value for Money Brand


Consumers are advised to buy paneer (preferably packaged) kept in a refrigerated condition. Paneer available in open form should not be consumed raw.

Key findings

  • Based on the overall test findings, the top performer is
  • The value-for-money brand is
  • Only Ananda, Amul and Gowardhan were found to be safe in terms of microbiological
  • Mother Dairy, Paras, Nova, Vita and Verka were found with traces of coliform, coli and TPC.
  • As per FSS Regulations, microbiological requirements at retailer level are specified only for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Other microbiological parameters covering TPC, coli, coliform, yeast and mould, and S. aureus are applicable at plant level. These parameters should be maintained up to retailer’s end also as consumers buy the paneer directly from the retailer.
  • Titratable acidity was slightly high in Verka, Nova and Gowardhan, and did not meet the requirement of Indian Standard.
  • In sensory panel tests, Mother Dairy performed on top.

Paneer means the product obtained from milk by precipitation with sour milk, lactic acid, or citric acid. In simple terms, paneer is an indigenous milk product prepared by the combined action of acid coagulation and heat treatment of milk and the subsequent drainage of whey.
To prepare paneer, food acid (usually lemon juice, vinegar, citric acid or yogurt) is added to hot milk to separate the curds from the whey. The separated curd is pressed in muslin or cheesecloth and the excess water is drained out. The resulting paneer is dipped in chilled water for 2–3 hours to give it a good texture and appearance.



Total Plate Count | Yeast and Mould Count | Coliform Count | E. coli | S. aureus | Salmonella | Listeria monocytogenes

As per 10th Amendment Regulations, 2016, Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has specified microbiological requirements for process hygiene and food safety.

a) Process hygiene

FSSAI has specified following criteria for process control at plant level. These are not applicable at retailer level. However, these parameters should be maintained up to retailer’s end as consumers buy the paneer directly from the retailer.

Given here are acceptable and non-acceptable limits of total plate count (TPC), coliform, yeast and mould, E. coli and S. Aureus for paneer.

  1. TPC – m: 150, 000/gm, M: 350,000/gm
  2. Coliform (cfu/gm) – m: 10/gm, M: 100/gm
  3. Yeast and mould (cfu/gm) – m: 50/g, M: 150/gm
  4. coli m: <10/gm
  5. aureus m: 10/gm, M: 100/gm

Most edible products are normally contaminated with microbes (or microorganisms). They are so small that we need a microscope to see them. Microbes include bacteria, yeast, mould, algae, and protozoan. However, the organisms that normally contaminate and spoil foods are the bacterium with yeast and moulds of secondary importance. Under normal conditions, microbes feed on the food in which they live and reproduce and cause a variety of changes in the food, most of which result in a loss of the food’s quality. As per the regulations, there’s an acceptable standard limit of microbes prescribed for each food item.

Here ‘m’ represents an acceptable level; values that are only marginally above it are acceptable. The ‘M’ shows a microbiological criterion that separates ‘marginally acceptable quality’ from ‘unsatisfactory/ potentially hazardous quality’. Values above M are unacceptable in terms of the sampling plan and detection of one or more samples exceeding this level will be cause for rejection of the lot.

Sl No. Brand Name Results
TPC E Coli Coliform, cfu/gm Yeast & Mould, cfu/gm S.Aureus cfu/g
1 Amul <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
2 Ananda 8,500 <10 <10 <10 <10
3 Gowardhan <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
4 Paras 550,000 4,300 66,000 <10 <10
5 Mother Dairy 930,000 30,000 71,000 <10 <10
6 Verka 330,000 5,200 79,000 <10 <10
7 Vita 580,000 3,200 35,000 <10 <10
8 Nova 650,000 <10 4,000 <10 <10

• Amul and Gowardhan scored highest, followed by Ananda.
• Five brands – Mother Dairy, Paras, Verka, Vita and Nova – were found to be high in above microbiological tests.
• TPC was found to be high in Mother Dairy, Nova, Paras and Vita.
• E. coli was high in Mother Dairy, Paras, Verka and Vita.
• Coliform count was high in Mother Dairy, Nova, Paras, Verka and Vita.
• All brands passed in yeast and mould count and S. aureus tests.

b) Microbial food safety

Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes are pathogenic bacteria and can leave one with an upset stomach. These shall be absent at retailer level also.
• All brands passed these tests.


Milk Fat | Protein | Calcium | Moisture | Energy | Cholesterol | Titratable acidity

a) Milk Fat (on dry basis)

Paneer derived from milk contains mainly milk fat, which is essential for better health. The percentage of milk fat in paneer depends on how fresh the milk is as well as milk composition. As per the national standards, paneer should contain at least 50 per cent milk fat when measured on dry basis.

Fat is an essential part of any balanced diet, providing essential fatty acids and a concentrated source of energy as well as aiding in digestion of certain fat-soluble vitamins. As per Dietary Guidelines for Indians by National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, 2011, diets of young children and adolescents should contain about 30 grams to 50 grams fat per day. So, a higher amount of milk fat is better for consumers.

• All brands met the minimum requirement for milk fat content.
• Gowardhan (54.4 per cent) had the highest fat content followed by Ananda (52.6 per cent), and Nova the lowest (50.1 per cent).

b) Protein (on dry basis)

Paneer is a rich source of protein and while the national standards have not prescribed requirements in this regard, a high amount of protein is considered to be good.

• Amul (23.1 gm/100 gm) was found with the highest amount of protein, followed by Nova (22.6 gm/100 gm) and Ananda (20.4 gm/100 gm). The lowest amount of protein was found in Vita (18.6 gm/100 gm).

b) Calcium

Paneer, like other milk products, is a good source of calcium and its consumption helps in preventing osteoporosis.

Calcium plays an important role in building stronger, denser bones early in life and keeping bones strong and healthy later in life. Calcium deficiency can lead to rickets and poor blood clotting and osteoporosis. As per recommended dietary allowances (RDA), daily calcium intake should be 600 milligrams for man.

• Calcium content was highest in Nova (570.1 mg/ kg), followed by Mother Dairy (496.4 mg/kg) and Ananda (493.1 mg/kg). It was lowest in Vita (321 mg/kg).

c) Moisture

Paneer is a highly perishable milk product that deteriorates rapidly because of high moisture content. Moisture up to a certain limit is an inherent part of fresh paneer. As per the national standards, it should not be more than 60 per cent.

• Moisture in all the brands was found within the specified limit.
• Amul had the lowest moisture (48.3 gm/100 gm), followed by Ananda (50.4 gm/100 gm). It was highest in Verka and Vita (55.1 gm/100 gm).

d) Energy

Energy value was measured to verify the label claims. There is no requirement in the standards in this regard.

• Amul (331.4 kcal/100 gm) was found to have the highest energy value, followed by Ananda (321.3 kcal/100 gm). It was lowest in Verka (286.7 kcal/100 gm).

d) Cholesterol

Cholesterol increases the risk of heart and nervous-system problems, brain-synapse connectivity, gall-bladder stones and perhaps even cancer. These cholesterols are inherently found in the milk fats. The intake of cholesterol should not be more than 300 mg/day.

Cholesterol plays a central role in many biochemical processes but is best known for the association of cardiovascular disease. There are two main types of cholesterol – low-density lipoproteins or LDL (bad cholesterol), which can result in fatty deposits in our arteries, and high-density lipoproteins or HDL (good cholesterol), which absorbs cholesterol and carries it back to the liver, which flushes it from the body. So, while your body needs some cholesterol, too much of it can raise your risk of heart disease. A diet high in trans fats and saturated fats tends to increase blood cholesterol levels, whereas a diet high in unsaturated fats tends to lower blood cholesterol levels.

• Vita (593.7 mg/kg) was found with the highest amount of cholesterol, followed by Gowardhan (584.4 mg/kg) and Verka (572.8 mg/kg).
• Nova had the lowest cholesterol (446.5 mg/kg), followed by Ananda (524.1 mg/kg).

e) Titratable acidity

The maximum acidity allowed in paneer is 0.50 per cent.

Titratable acidity is a measure of the amount of acid present in a solution. Presence of acidity as lactic acid was measured as its presence in high quantity could cause the paneer to become bitter as well as allow microbiological activity to begin.

• Titratable acidity was slightly high in Verka, Nova and Gowardhan, exceeding the maximum limit specified by the national standards.
• Vita (0.33 per cent) had the lowest acidity, followed by Mother Dairy (0.42 per cent).



Parameter ¯

Weightage (%) Ananda Amul Gowardhan Mother Dairy Paras Nova Vita Verka
Milk fat 14 11.31 9.18 13.33 10.08 11.09 8.51 9.74 9.07
Protein 10 7.24 8.86 6.58 7.30 6.70 8.56 6.16 6.94
Calcium 8 7.89 6.48 6.46 7.94 7.44 8.00 5.14 6.37
Moisture 8 6.34 6.67 5.84 6.16 6.00 6.13 5.58 5.58
Energy 7 6.23 6.80 5.43 5.68 5.45 5.61 4.47 4.30
Cholesterol 7 5.23 5.11 3.97 5.20 5.20 6.86 3.77 4.21
Titratable acidity 5 3.0 3.0 2.35 3.80 3.30 1.95 4.7 1.75


Based on the guidelines of IS: 15346-2003 (Method for sensory evaluation of paneer/channa), the following attributes were considered for judging the sensory attributes of paneer. The tests were conducted by expert panellists. Average mean scores were factored in for ranking of the samples.

Colour and appearance
Paneer shall be clear and free from dirt, surface discolouration, insects and rodent contamination, and foreign matter/particles and adulterants. It shall not have any free moisture/water. It should have a milky-white colour. No extraneous colouring matter shall be added to it.

The paneer shall have a pleasant odour and a characteristic mild acidic flavour. It should be free from off-flavour and odour.
Body and texture
Paneer shall have a closely knit smooth and homogeneous texture, and a firm, cohesive and spongy body.

Taste and after-taste feeling
It shall have a good pleasant taste and not be bitter or have a smoky taste.
• Mother Dairy topped in the overall sensory scores,
followed by Paras, Amul and Ananda.

Brand Score out of 20
Mother Dairy 19.67
Paras 19.65
Amul 18.97
Ananda 18.40
Gowardhan 18.05
Vita 17.70
Nova 17.27
Verka 17.05


i) Marking/Labelling

As per the national standards, the following details should be clearly and indelibly marked on the labels:
a) Name and trade name of product
b) Name and address of manufacturer/marketer
c) Batch or code number
d) Net weight in grams
e) Date of manufacture
f) Best before (the date given by the manufacturer)
g) Green dot
h) Instructions for storage
i) Nutritional information
j) Maximum retail price
k) Customer-care details

• All the tested brands provided the required information on their labels.

ii) Packaging
The paneer shall be in clean and suitable food- grade packages/wrappers conforming to the relevant Indian Standard. The packing will prevent the product from imparting off-flavour or odour and also prevent it from being contaminated under normal conditions of manufacture, storage, and use.
• All the brands were packed in printed, high-density poly pack (plastic) material.

iii) Net Weight
The net weight was measured and compared with the declared values.
• All the brands were within the maximum permissible limit of net weight as per Legal Metrology Rules.


The Good Things about Paneer

• It is a rich source of protein and calcium.
• The high protein component of paneer also helps in slowing the release of sugar into the blood and prevents abrupt hike and decline in blood sugar levels.
• The whey (remaining liquid part while making paneer) cleanses the bladder and helps prevent bladder infections.
• While high in fat, paneer works for people who have an active lifestyle as they will burn those calories easily and gain its nutrients.
• Paneer may help protect against heart disease by lowering the fat deposition in the arteries.


Packaged Paneer

Packaged Paneer

The delicious and easy-to-please everyone paneer does not need any introduction. The popularity and usages of it is archaic and revered by all....

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Packaged Paneer

Packaged Paneer

Packaged Paneer

The delicious and easy-to-please everyone paneer does not need any introduction. The popularity and usages of it is archaic and revered by all. However, while choosing a packet of fresh packaged paneer, what parameters we look at in choosing the best product. Here’s our guide that tells you how to pick your paneer brand wisely.

A Consumer Voice Report

We know paneer as an indigenous milk product prepared by the combined action of acid coagulation and heat treatment of milk and subsequent drainage of whey. To prepare paneer, food acid (usually lemon juice, vinegar, citric acid or yogurt) is added to hot milk to separate the curds from the whey. The curds are pressed in muslin or cheese cloth and the excess water is drained out. The resulting paneer is dipped in chilled water for 2–3 hours to give it a good texture and appearance. The preparation of paneer diverges based on its use and regional variation. 

How we test

The test programme for comparative testing of paneer has been done following the Food Safety & Standard Regulations and relevant Indian standard IS: 10484 (specifications for paneer) which covers the product requirements and methods of tests.

Brands Tested

We purchased 11 regular selling brands of fresh packaged paneer for comparative testing. The table below represents which brands scored what, so that you can buy only the best.

Comparative Product Testing

Rank Score Out of 100 Brand Quantity, gms MRP,


Best Before, days Manufacturer/ Marketer
1 91 Ananda 200 75 15 Gopaljee Dairy Foods Pvt. Ltd
1 91 Amul 200 74 45 Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd
1 91 DMS 200 60 Use by date# Delhi Milk Scheme
2 90 Paras 200 75 15 VRS Foods Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
3 89 Mother Dairy 200 75 15 Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Pvt. Ltd
3 89 Nova 200 70_ 10 Sterling Agro Industries Ltd,
3 89 Madhusudan 200 75 Use by date# SMC Group
4 88 Vita 200 65 Use by date# The Ballabhgarh Co Op Milk Producers Union Ltd
5 86 Gowardhan 200 85 75 Parag Milk Foods Ltd, Mumbai
6 85 Patanjali 200 75 45 Patanjali Ayurved Ltd
7 84 Heritage 200 75 15 Heritage Food Ltd

Ratings: >90 – Very good *****, 71-90- Good****, 51-70- Average ***, 31-50- Poor **, <30 – Very Poor*
# Use by date is given where shelf life of product is less than 7 days

CV Recommendations

Top Performer

Ananda, Amul & DMS

Value for Money Brand


Key findings

• Based on the overall scores, three brands Ananda, AMUL and DMS have secured the No. 1 position.
• Additionally, DMS has been nominated as The Value for Money Brand. The product priced at Rs.60 for 200-gm followed by Vita at Rs. 65 for 200-gm.
• DMS has been found with the highest fat followed by Ananda and Amul.
• Highest protein has been found in Nova followed by Amul.
• We have found Patanjali with lowest cholesterol (made from cow milk).
• All the tested brands have met the national
standards requirements.
• All the brands have passed microbiological safety parameters; thus, they are safe to consume.
• One should preferably buy packaged paneer and store in refrigerator. Consumers must avoid consuming paneer in raw form; one can make it at home if the packaged product is not available in the nearby market. Home-made paneer is the best.
• At retailer level, the FSSAI prescribes microbiological requirements of Salmonella and Listeria Monocytogenes only. Other microbiological parameters such as TPC, E.coli, Coliform, Yeast and Mould and S.aureus are not applicable at retailer level. These requirements should be relevant at retailer level which is the collection point for consumers.

Test results

Milk Fat| Protein| Organoleptic Tests| Microbiological Safety| Energy Value| Cholesterol| Moisture| Titratable Acidity as lactic acid



Parameter ↓



Ananda Amul DMS Paras Mother dairy Nova Madhu- sudan Vita Goward- han Patanjali Heritage
Moisture 8 6.94 6.75 7.23 6.80 6.91 6.48 6.85 6.16 6.69 6.06 6.06
Milk fat 20 18.74 18.68 19.58 18.32 18.38 16.76 17.48 17.42 17.44 17.18 17.78
Titratable acidity as lactic acid 5 4.55 4.70 4.40 4.70 4.85 4.25 5.00 4.40 4.25 3.80 3.95
Protein 18 16.27 17.41 13.01 15.92 16.29 17.55 16.26 15.78 15.81 12.90 12.82
Energy value 8 6.77 6.61 7.37 6.59 6.81 5.68 6.73 5.70 5.52 5.64 5.66
Cholesterol 8 6.74 5.74 7.97 6.83 5.23 7.65 5.80 7.45 4.83 8.00 7.10
Microbio- logical safety ( Salmonella & Listeria Monocyto- genes) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Organoleptic tests

(Colour & Appearance, Body & Texture, Package)

16 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14


Test Parameters

The test parameters have been adopted following the FSSAI regulations and relevant Indian Standard IS:10484. We conducted the comparative testing in a NABL lab for physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic parameters and the details are given below: 

Milk Fat (dry matter basis)

Paneer contains mainly milk fat, which contributes greatly to good health. Fat helps in gaining weight as well as it helps in digesting certain fat-soluble vitamins. The percentage of fat in paneer varies due to the availability of fresh milk and variation in milk composition. Hence as per the national standard, paneer should contain at least 50 per cent fat when measured on dry basis. All the brands have fat content above the minimum requirement of 50 per cent on dry matter basis. Hence, they have met the standard requirement. DMS had highest fat followed by Ananda and Amul.


Paneer is rich and inherent source of protein and calcium. National standard has not prescribed any requirement of protein however protein is good for health. It helps keep your muscles strong and healthy. You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important for growth and development in children and teens. We found highest amount of protein in Nova followed by Amul and Mother Dairy and the level found lowest in Heritage and Patanjali.

Organopetic tests

Following sensory attributes have been judged by lab experts and their observations are given below:

a) Colour and appearance- Paneer shall be clear and free from dirt, surface discoloration, insects and rodent contamination, free from foreign matter/particles and adulterants. It shall not have any free moisture/water. It should have milky white colour and no extraneous coloring matter shall be added to paneer.
b) Body and texture – Paneer shall have a closely knit smooth and homogeneous texture, firm, cohesive and spongy body.
c) Package: Packaging shall be in good condition without damage.
The above attributes have been examined in the lab. All the brands have creamy colour and soft mass in appearance. Body and texture are soft mass having crumbly and compact texture.

Microbiological Tests

The FSSAI has specified microbiological requirements for process hygiene criteria and food safety criteria. Microbiological parameters under process hygiene criteria are TPC, E.coli, Coliform, Yeast and Mould and S.aureus but these requirements are not applicable at retailer/consumer level.

We tested Salmonella and Listeria Monocytogenes under food safety criteria of FSSAI.

Salmonella and Listeria Monocytogenes are pathogenic bacteria and cause seriously upsetting the stomach. These shall be absent at retailer level. Salmonella and Listeria Monocytogenes have been absent in all the brands, thus all brands passed microbiological food safety criteria.

Energy value

Food we eat provides energy in the form of calories. We need a minimum number of calories from food to sustain basic metabolic functions and more to carry out physical activities. There is no specified standard requirement. However, the energy value has been measured to verify the label claims and compare them. We found DMS with highest energy value followed by Mother Dairy and Ananda.


Cholesterol is necessary to the normal permeability and function of the membranes that surround cells. Your body needs some cholesterol, but too much can raise your risk of heart disease. A diet high in saturated fats tends to increase blood cholesterol levels, whereas a diet high in unsaturated fats tends to lower blood cholesterol levels. There is no specified standard requirement. However, it should be on lower side. Brand Patanjali has lowest cholesterol (made from cow milk). We found highest amount of cholesterol in Gowardhan followed by Mother Dairy and Amul.


Paneer is a highly perishable milk product which deteriorates rapidly because of high moisture content. Moisture up to a certain limit is an inherent part of fresh paneer. As per the national standards, it should not be more than 60 per cent by mass. All the brands have been found well below the specified limit of 60 per cent moisture. DMS had lowest moisture contents followed by Ananda among the brands tested.

Titratable Acidity as lactic acid

Titratable Acidity as lactic acid is a measure of the amount of acid present. It shall be 0.50 maximum in paneer as per the BIS standard. Our test has found it within the specified standard limit.


Paneer shall be packed in clean suitable food grade packages/wrappers which protect them from imparting off-flavor or odour. It also protects food from product contamination. Only food grade packaging conforming to the relevant Indian Standard should be used. Packaging should not be torn/damaged. All the brands have been packed in printed high-density poly pack (plastic) material and found in good condition.

Labeling/Marking Requirements

As per the national standards, following details should be clearly and indelibly marked on the product label:
– Name and trade name of the product
– Name and address of the manufacturer/ marketer
– Batch or code number
– Net weight in grams
– Date of manufacture
– Best before/use by date
– Green dot mark
– Instructions for storage
– Nutritional information
– M.R.P
– Customer care details
All the brands fulfilled the marking/labeling national standards requirements.

Physicochemical Test

Net Weight

The net weight of paneer has been measured and compared with their declared values. And, we found all the brands with net weight above the declared quantity. 

Why to have paneer?

1. Paneer contains good amounts of fat, protein and calcium.
2. Paneer is a good source of calcium, which helps build strong bones and teeth, and also prevents osteoporosis.
3. Paneer is a good source of protein and bone health. In 100-gram of paneer, you will get 14- 20-gram of protein.
4. Owing to its high nutrition and high fat, paneer is good for children. It can be consumed once or twice a week.
5. It would be better to avoid regular consumption of paneer for those with hypertension and diabetes due to its high level of fat and cholesterol. It can however, be used in small quantities for such patients once or twice a week.

Handy tips to make paneer at home

• Bring the milk to a temperature just below boiling. Then turn off the heat.
• Add lemon juice or citric acid, 5-ml (one teaspoon) at a time. Stir the milk until the milk separates;
the solid curds part from the green and watery whey.
• If milk does not start to curdle immediately, start by adding only one teaspoon of lemon juice at a time in a stepwise manner until the milk curdles. Do not add more lemon juice than necessary; otherwise, the paneer will not be soft, as well as will taste sour and bitter.
• Stirring gently and continuously
• Curdling process is finished once the curds have stopped precipitating from the greenish
colored liquid whey.


Packaged Paneer

Packaged Paneer

The delicious and easy-to-please everyone paneer does not need any introduction. The popularity and usages of it is archaic and revered by all....

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All About Paneer: how to make paneer, nutrition facts and how to buy and store paneer

All About Paneer: how to make paneer, nutrition facts and how to buy and store paneer

Paneer is a byproduct obtained from milk by precipitation with sour milk, lactic acid, or citric acid. In simple terms, paneer is an indigenous milk product prepared by the combined action of acid coagulation and heat treatment of milk and the subsequent drainage of whey. 


To prepare paneer, food acid (usually lemon juice, vinegar, citric acid or yogurt) is added to hot milk to separate the curds from the whey. The separated curd is pressed in muslin or cheesecloth and the excess water is drained out. The resulting paneer is dipped in chilled water for 2–3 hours to give it a good texture and appearance. 



It is a rich source of protein. The high protein component of paneer also helps in slowing the release of sugar into the blood and prevents abrupt hike and decline in blood sugar levels. 


Paneer, like other milk products, is a good source of calcium and its consumption helps in preventing osteoporosis. 


While high in fat, paneer works for people who have an active lifestyle as they will burn those calories easily and gain its nutrients. Paneer may help protect against heart disease by lowering the fat deposition in the arteries.

Paneer derived from milk contains mainly milk fat, which is essential for better health. The percentage of  milk fat in paneer depends on how fresh the milk is as well as milk composition. As per the national standards, paneer should contain at least 50 per cent milk fat when measured on dry basis.

The whey (remaining liquid part while making paneer) cleanses the bladder and helps prevent bladder infections.

Consumer Voice Tested 8 brands of Fresh paneer including milk fat, protein and calcium content. Click here to know the best fresh paneer brands in India. 


Consumers are advised to buy paneer (preferably packaged) kept in a refrigerated condition. Paneer available in open form should be avoided for consuming  in raw form.

Most edible products are normally contaminated with microbes (or microorganisms). They are so small that we need a microscope to see them. Microbes include bacteria, yeast, mould, algae, and protozoan. However, the organisms that normally contaminate and spoil foods are the bacterium with yeast and moulds of secondary importance. Under normal conditions, microbes feed on the food in which they live and reproduce and cause a variety of changes in the food, most of which result in a loss of the food’s quality. As per the regulations, there’s an acceptable standard limit of microbes prescribed for each food item.

Only 3 out of 8 brands tested at NABL accredited labs passed all the microbiological test. Find out the safest brands of fresh paneer brands of Indian here.

Packaged Paneer

Packaged Paneer

The delicious and easy-to-please everyone paneer does not need any introduction. The popularity and usages of it is archaic and revered by all....

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