88% Survey of Users say Online Fantasy Sports increased their interest in Sports

88% Survey of Users say Online Fantasy Sports increased their interest in Sports

  • Due to the unique format of Online Fantasy Sports, users spend less screen time – making OFS platforms not addictive
  • Users perceive Online Fantasy Sports as a financially safe, skill-based activity which augments their interest and engagement with sports including traditional sports like kabaddi and hockey
  • Any Government regulations for Online Fantasy Sports should focus on protecting user rights and safeguarding industry interests for the industry to grow responsibly


New Delhi, 7th June  2021 : Consumer VOICE, a prominent consumer protection group, has published a user survey report, titled De-mystifying Common Myths Surrounding Online Fantasy Sports’ .The report explores the impact of Online Fantasy Sports (OFS) on sports engagement and addresses some common myths surrounding OFS platforms. The survey received close to 10,000 responses from users of various OFS platforms.The report examines whether the actual user perceptions of Online Fantasy Sports are in consonance with myths centered around OFS platforms being addictive, potentially resulting in negative societal impacts and making users fearful of incurring financial losses. The objective of the report is to ensure that a representative voice of consumers becomes an integral part in the development of OFS as a product, its adoption, and any forthcoming regulation.

Key findings from the survey include:

  • 88% of the users reported that their interest in sports increased after participating in Online Fantasy Sports contests.
  • 81% of the users agreed that by virtue of using Online Fantasy Sports platforms, they have become more aware of non-cricket sports like Kabaddi, Hockey, and Handball.     
  • 85% of the users agreed that the option of participating in free contests allowed them to participate without fear of incurring any financial loss.
  • Close to 90% of the users said that the terms of use for paid contests were easy to find and understand.
  • More than 73% of users spend over 30 minutes researching statistics and other information to make their Online Fantasy Sports teams before a match.

The uniqueness of OFS platforms makes users more engaged with a variety of sports and promotes their analytical abilities. This becomes a major reason to distinguish it from gambling / betting since the OFS platform format focuses on skill and not luck. With the terms and conditions made easily accessible, users perceive Online Fantasy Sports as a financially safe, skill-based activity which augments their interest and engagement with sports.

Ashim Sanyal, Chief Operating Officer of Consumer VOICE, said “Online Fantasy Sports industry has immense potential for contributing to India’s sports economy, however, the various myths surrounding it need to be dispelled first. This will provide for a collaborative environment in which regulations can adequately safeguard consumer interests while also allowing the industry to drive economic growth in a transparent and accountable manner.” 

This report highlights the dissonance between how users of OFS platforms perceive fantasy sports vis-à-vis the common myths surrounding it. Therefore, to ensure the continued and responsible growth of the OFS industry and protection of end consumer interests, it is recommended that NITI Aayog’s draft guidelines on regulating Online Fantasy Sports be formalized. This will enable State’s to draft uniform legislations’ to protect the interests of consumers and promote responsible growth of the industry along the same lines as NITI’s guidelines. Additionally, awareness building of the terms of use of OFS platforms should be continued among key stakeholders, including government actors, civil society organizations, academicians, consumer rights groups, and the public.

About Voluntary Organisation in Interest of Consumer Education (Consumer VOICE)

Consumer VOICE is one of the Leading Consumer Organisation in the India. Working under “Jago Grahak Jago” program of Ministry of Consumer Affairs besides other Ministries, Regulatory bodies, standards organizations, world bodies and Standing Committees of Parliaments, our work of Comparative Testing for product testing and services evaluations are for the masses. We are doing advocacy for all the consumers to various authorities and consumers across India are getting benefited from our work. Our magazines and website, besides educational workshops on various subjects are the tools of consumer education and empowerment across the nation and all consumers get benefited from our work.

Consumer Voice Urges the Prime Minister to Pass Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 2017 in Upcoming Winter Session of Parliament

Consumer Voice Urges the Prime Minister to Pass Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 2017 in Upcoming Winter Session of Parliament

India Loses 413 Lives in Road Accidents Every Day in the Absence Of A Strong Road Safety Law

New Delhi: Consumer VOICE submitted memorandum to the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi , urging to pass Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 2017 in the upcoming winter session of Parliament and save 413 lives which are lost in road accidents every day. Once the bill is cleared from the Rajya Sabha, it will ensure the formation of a new stricter law which will help in saving precious human lives lost in road accidents every year.

In the press interaction meet organised on 4th october at Press Club of India,New Delhi Mr. Ashim Sanyal ,Chief Operating Officer ,Consumer VOICE said that the passage of Bill is crucial in the upcoming winter session .The provisions of proposed bill has very important elements for saving lives on roads and therefore parties across political lines should ensure its passage during the winter session”.

Mr.Dave Cliff, Chief Executive Officer,Global Road Safety Partnership and global road safety expert shared his view point on global road safety scenario and success stories on how countries have put stricter laws in reducing the road fatalities. He emphasised that India can achieve its goal of reducing fatalities by 50% by the year 2020 through passage of MVA Bill 2017 and its implementation by state governments.

As per the annual publication ‘Road Accidents in India-2016’ a report released by Ministry for Road Transport and Highways on Sept. 06, 2017 total 4,80,652 road accidents, 1,50,785, road traffic deaths took place and 4,94,624 persons were injured in India in year 2016. Everyday-1,317 Accidents take place and 413 Persons killed on Indian Roads.

The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 2017 is already cleared by Lok Sabha in last session and is due for passage by the Rajya Sabha.



  • Some breads surveyed had as much salt as seawater 1
  • More than a third of breads worldwide have more salt than UK maximum salt reduction target for bread 2
  • Over half of breads surveyed have more than half a gram of salt per serving.

Bread features heavily in many diets worldwide, and is one of the biggest sources of salt in diets. A new survey 3 by World Action on Salt and Health (WASH), based at Queen Mary University of London, has revealed the shocking levels of salt present in this essential staple. WASH surveyed over 2,000 white, wholemeal, mixed grain and flat breads from 32 countries and regions, and found that the saltiest bread in the survey – Rosemary Foccacia by ACE Bakery, available in Canada – had a shocking 2.65g of salt per 100g, which is saltier than seawater 1 ! In fact, more than a third (34%) of breads had more salt than the UK’s maximum salt target for bread (1.13g/100g) 2 As per mandatory Indian Regulation, Food Safety and Standards (Packaging & Labelling) Regulations, 2011,Nutritional Information or Nutritional Facts per 100gram or 100milli litre or per serving of the food product shall be given on the label containing the following:—

(i) Energy value in kilo calories;
(ii) The amounts of protein, carbohydrate (specify quantity of sugar) and fat in gram (g) or ml;
(iii) The amount of any other nutrient for which a nutrition or health claim is made.
Declaration of salt / sodium is not mandatory. Though few bread manufactures have declared sodium / salt
on the label voluntarily, which are as follows:

*Consuming 100 grams harvest Gold White Bread means one has met its 25%(1/4) daily requirement of salt.

Flat breads and wholemeal breads were more salty than other bread types in the survey, with an average salt content of 1.08g per 100g, compared to mixed grain breads, which had the lowest average salt content of 1.02g/100g. Worryingly, some flat breads had more than 1.50g of salt per portion, a third of the maximum daily intake of salt as recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO, 5g) 4 .

Although mixed grain breads had the lowest salt content of the bread categories, there was still a huge variation within this category. The highest salt bread – Bread type "Tipov" with Many Seeds by Milena MK, available in Bulgaria – had a salt content of 2.50g/100g, compared to the lowest salt bread – Pan Real tipo integral by Konig, available in Costa Rica – with a salt content of 0.09g/100g, a massive 27-fold difference in salt content!

A recent survey by WASH 5 found that a third of respondents felt that the WHO could do more to encourage countries to lower salt intakes. However, the majority of respondents felt that their country’s government should take primary responsibility.

Ashim Sanyal ,COO ,Consumer VOICE says “Eating too much salt puts up our blood pressure, the major cause of strokes, heart attacks and heart failure, the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Reducing salt intake around the world would save millions of lives each year .Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) which comes under Ministry of Health should amend Food Safety and Standards (Packaging & Labelling) Regulations, 2011 for declaration of salt as a mandatory declaration in Nutritional Information or Nutritional Facts per 100gram or 100milli litre or per serving of the food products”.


Consumer VOICE is one of the Leading Consumer Organisation in the India. Working under “Jago Grahak Jago” program of Ministry of Consumer Affairs besides other Ministries, Regulatory bodies, standards organizations, world bodies and Standing Committees of Parliaments. Our work of Comparative Testing for product testing and services evaluations are done for the masses. We are doing advocacy for all the
consumers to various authorities and consumers across India who is getting benefited from our work. Our magazines and website, besides educational workshops on various subjects are the tools of consumer education and empowerment across the nation and all consumers are getting benefited from our work.


World Action on Salt and Health (WASH) was established in 2005 as the international arm of Action on Salt (formerly Consensus Action on Salt and Health, CASH), and is a global group with the mission to improve the health of populations throughout the world by achieving a gradual reduction in salt intake. WASH has the support of more than 500 members from 100 countries, who are mainly experts in hypertension, cardiovascular disease or kidney disease, but also work in public health and nutrition.

  1. Atlantic seawater contains 1.0g of sodium per 100g, which equates to 2.5g of salt per 100g
  2. Public Health England have issued guideline salt targets for over 80 categories of food, which the food industry
    are encouraged to follow on a voluntary basis. The maximum target for salt levels in bread and bread rolls,
    without high salt additions, is 1.13g/100g
  3. Data on UK fresh, packaged breads were collected from all supermarkets (Aldi, ASDA, Co Op, Iceland, Lidl, Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Sainsburys, Tesco and Waitrose) in October 2017.  Product data was collected in store from product packaging using the FoodSwitch Data Collector App, and where not available, captured online from the retailers’ website.
    Between August 2017 and January 2018, WASH members collected nutrition data from fresh, packaged white, wholemeal, mixed grain and flat breads and rolls, using information printed on packaging or available online via supermarket or manufacturers websites. In Oman, Saudi Arabia and Serbia,salt content was determined using laboratory analysis. 2,318 bread products from 32 countries and regions were included. Including data from Consumer VOICE ,India
  4. WHO recommended salt intake for adults is 5g/day:
  5. In January 2018, WASH issued a survey via Survey Monkey to WASH members, and placed on social media pages, asking for responses to the following questions:
  • What salt reduction activities are currently in place in your country?
  • Who is responsible for salt reduction in your country?
  • Is enough being done to lower salt reduction in your country?
  • Who should take more action to lower salt intake in your country?
  • Which country is setting the best example with salt reduction and could be used as a model for other countries?



National coalition of road safety organizations demands extraordinary measure ahead of dissolution of Lok Sabha and the impending lapse of the Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill, the road safety legislation pending in Parliament since 2017.

14th February. New Delhi

 A day after the last session of the current Lok Sabha, the Road Safety Network has written to the Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Shri Nitin Gadkari to bring Ordinance on Road Safety. 

The Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill, 2017 that sought to carry out the much-required overhaul of the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 had received the assent of the Lok Sabha on 10th April 2017 and was introduced for consideration and passage in the Rajya Sabha in the Winter Session of 2017. However, after the failure to get the Bill passed and the country looking at imminent lapse of the Bill, the network urged the Government to take the extraordinary measure of issuing an ordinance to save lives.

Ashim Sanyal of Consumer Voice said, “The government had committed to bringing a strong road safety law since 2014 and many statements of the Minister indicated his commitment to reduce road casualties. Since his efforts in Parliament to pass the Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill has failed to garner support, we urge the Minister to bring Ordinance in the interim period on this important issue so that lives can be saved on roads”.

India has the dubious distinction of being world number one in road crash deaths. Every year nearly 1.5 lakh people are killed in road crashes and another 5 lakh are severely injured, many of them disabled for life. The Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill, 2017 was aimed to tackle this pandemic by strengthening Road Safety policy framework in the country through introduction of various provisions related to road safety such as stricter penalties for egregious violations and the ability to hold road contractors liable for defective designs and poor maintenance of roads.

India is a signatory to the Brasilia Declaration, where the country made a commitment to reduce road crash deaths by 50% by 2020. The deadline is fast approaching, and India is nowhere close to meeting the target.


Daily Pioneer – Bring Ordinance on road safety, Gadkari told

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