Table Butter-More milk fat, less salt – that’s how it should be

Table Butter-More milk fat, less salt – that’s how it should be

Table Butter-More milk fat, less salt – that’s how it should be

Instant Noodles
Nutritionally speaking, your table butter has roughly 80 per cent milk fat (mostly saturated), 12 to 16 per cent water, 2 per cent nonfat milk solids (lactose, protein), and 2 to 3 per cent added salt. It is the most concentrated of dairy products, containing about 740 kilocalories per 100 grams (210 kilocalories per ounce). Butter is a good source of vitamin A and has a little bit of vitamin D as well. Of all of these attributes, which have the most say in determining the quality of the said butter, you may wonder. So, here we are, evaluating seven brands of table butter on attributes as per their importance and relevance. Since so much butter is not good for one’s health, what with the saturated fats in it, one will be well advised to choose a brand that meets the basic quality requirements specified in the food standards, especially with regard to fat, solids not fat, moisture and salt. The findings from our test results will reveal, among other things, whether the brands have the minimum 80 per cent milk fat as specified by the food standards. We tested the seven brands on a range of quality, safety and acceptability parameters. These included milk fat, milk solids not fat, curd, moisture, acidity and common salt. The brands were further subjected to adulteration tests, microbiological tests and sensory tests.

How We Test

The brand samples of eight table butter brands have been tested following the FSSAI requirements and BIS standard IS: 13690 specifications for pasteurised butter. Consumer VOICE tested the eight regular selling brands on a range of quality, safety and acceptability parameters. These included milk fat, milk solids not fat, curd, moisture, acidity and common salt. The brands have been further tested to qualify adulteration, microbiological and sensory tests. We followed the standard test methods at a NABL-accredited laboratory.


RankTotal Score out of 100 (rounded off)BrandMRP (Rs)Net Weight (gm)Price (Rs) per 100 gmBest before (months)Manufactured/Marketed by
193Vita441004412The Rohtak Co-Op Milk Producers Union Ltd
291Verka46100468The Punjab State Co- Operative Milk Producers Federation Ltd
389DMS2105004212Delhi Milk Scheme
487Mother Dairy461004612Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetable Pvt. Ltd
487Gowardhan802004012Parag Milk Foods Pvt. Ltd
586Amul461004612Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd
684Paras2255004512VRS Foods Pvt. Ltd

Score Rating: >90: excellent*****, 71–90: very good****, 51–70: good***, 31–50: average**, up to 30: poor*

CV Recommendations

Top Performer


Value for Money Brand


Key findings

• Based on the overall test findings, Vita is the top performer and is followed by Verka and DMS. • Based on the overall test findings, Vita is the top performer and is followed by Verka and DMS. • The value-for-money brand is DMS.• Vita and Verka had the highest fat content. • DMS and Vita had lowest amounts of SNF (solids not fat). • Moisture was lowest in Vita and Verka. • All the brands met all requirements specified in the Food Safety & Standards Regulations. • All brands cleared the tests for microbiological safety and are therefore safe for consumption. • In sensory panel tests, Amul is the top performer and is followed by Mother Dairy and Vita.

What is butter?

Butter is the smooth, fatty substance obtained from churning cream. Butter manufacturers first pasteurise the cream. This heat treatment destroys bacteria, inactivates enzymes, and gives the cream a cooked or heated flavour.

What is table butter?

Table butter is the product made from pasteurized cream obtained from milk and milk products, with or without ripening with the use of standard lactic culture, addition of common salt, annatto or carotene as colouring matter, and diacetyl as flavouring agent.

What is white butter?

White butter is the product made from pasteurized cream obtained from milk and milk products, without ripening and without addition of any preservative including common salt, any added colouring matter, or any added flavouring agent.
TEST RESULTS FOR PHYSICOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS Milk Fat | Milk Solids Not Fat | Curd | Reichert Meissl Value of Extracted Fat | Butyro- refractometer Reading of Extracted Fat | Moisture | Acidity | Common Salt

Milk Fat

As per the national standards, the minimum requirement for milk fat in table butter is 80 per cent. As per the national standards, the minimum requirement for milk fat in table butter is 80 per cent. • Fat percentage was above the minimum requirement in all brands. • Vita and Verka (83.9 per cent each) had the highest fat content, followed by DMS (82.8 per cent).  
Fat is an essential part of any balanced diet, providing essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins and a concentrated source of energy. It is a major constituent of butter. As per Dietary Guidelines for Indians by National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, 2011, diets of young children and adolescents should contain about 30 grams to 50 grams fat per day. So, a higher amount of milk fat is better for consumers.

Milk solids not fat (SNF)

SNF in table butter shall be a maximum two per cent as per FSS Regulations.SNF in table butter shall be a maximum two per cent as per FSS Regulations. • SNF was found within the permissible limit (0.4 per cent to 1.4 per cent) in all brands. • DMS (0.4 per cent) had lowest amount of SNF and therefore scored highest. It was followed by Vita (0.7 per cent).  
Milk has mainly two parts: fat and solids not fat (SNF). Apart from fat, all other solids such as vitamins, minerals, protein and lactose together make up SNF.


Curd shall be a maximum 1.0 per cent as per Indian Standard and 1.5 per cent as per AGMARK.Curd shall be a maximum 1.0 per cent as per Indian Standard and 1.5 per cent as per AGMARK. • Curd was highest in Amul and Paras (both 1.3 per cent) and lowest in DMS (0.4 per cent) and Vita (0.7 per cent).
The adulteration tests
  • Reichert-Meissl (RM) value of extracted fat
The RM value is ascertained when examining fat. It determines adulteration.
  • All tested brands met the requirement set by FSS
  • Butyro-refractometer (BR) reading of extracted fat
BR reading can be used to check adulteration, if any, of milk fat. An increase in BR reading indicates adulteration with vegetable oil. If BR reading diverges from the prescribed limit for variability, presence of foreign fat may be suspected
  • All brands were within the specified limits set by FSS


The maximum permissible limit for moisture in table butter is 16 per cent.The maximum permissible limit for moisture in table butter is 16 per cent. • Moisture in all brands was within specified limit. • Vita (13.7 per cent) and Verka (13.8 per cent) had the lowest amounts of moisture. This is good for consumers.
The presence of moisture is inherent in butter processing and to some extent is good for maintaining the taste and odour. But an excess of moisture compromises the quality of the butter.


Acidity shall be a maximum 0.15 per cent as per Indian Standards. • All brands were found within the specified limit.
Acidity is due to lactic acid produced by the action of bacteria. As acidity increases with storage time, this parameter is a means of checking storage conditions.

Common salt

Salt should be a maximum three per cent in table butter as per FSS Regulations. • All the brands had salt and tasted salty. Salt was found lowest in Verka (1.5 per cent) and highest in Mother Dairy (2.1 per cent).
Salt is added in butter as a preservative and also as a taste and flavour enhancer. Salt must be homogenously mixed during the processing of butter to give it a uniform taste.


Parameter Weightage
VitaVerkaDMSMother DairyGowardhanAmulParas
Milk fat3027.3627.3624.7223.5223.2823.7622.80
Milk solids not fat87.046.807.766.806.805.605.36
Reichert Meissl value of extracted fat66.004.805.705.555.705.405.52
Butyro-refractometer reading of extracted fat65.525.105.225.645.705.825.70
Acidity (as lactic acid)43.683.363.843.683.843.683.84
Common salt as NaCI32.582.702.462.342.402.402.64

Microbiological activity in your butter

Microbiological activity in your butterMicrobiological contamination is a serious issue for milk and milk products. Microorganisms are responsible for many food-borne diseases. We conducted tests as per FSS Regulations, for yeast and mould count, aerobic plate count, coliform count, E. coli, S. aureus, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. • All the brands passed in these tests.


The samples were judged by an expert panel on these attributes: a) colour, b) appearance, c) flavour,d) body and texture, and e) packaging. The test guidelines were as prescribed in Indian Standard 7769-1975. • Amul was the top performer and was followed by Mother Dairy and Vita.• DMS scored lowest. • Amul was rated best on flavour.

BrandScore out of 12
Mother Dairy11.54

Amul and Vita had very good packing. DMS was wrapped only in butter paper and was given the lowest score.

Packing and Marking

Packing should be proper because it protects the product from deterioration and increases its shelf life. Each pack should also carry information about the characteristics of the product and/or the claims of the manufacturer. The samples were verified against the marking requirements as given in the relevant Indian Standards. • Except DMS, all brands were wrapped in printed butter paper and packed in hard paper box. DMS was wrapped in butter paper only. • DMS did not carry the green dot and customer- care details. • Net weight was found to be above the declared quantity in all the brands. • Amul and Vita had AGMARK.
Table Butter: Know the Best brand to choose from

Table Butter: Know the Best brand to choose from

Table Butter: Know the Best brand to choose from

Often, we choose products on the basis of various claims and advertisements being dispersed. However, there are conscious consumers too who contest to such long talks and check products on their ingredients, making techniques besides price. For example, a product like butter, which is a good source of vitamin A and has a little bit of vitamin D as well. Of all of these attributes, which have the most say in determining the quality of the table butter? Since consuming much butter is not good for one’s health, what with the saturated fats in it, one will be well advised to choose a brand that meets the basic quality requirements specified in the food standards, especially with regard
to fat, curd (solids not fat), moisture and salt. The findings from our test results reveal, among other things, whether the brands have the minimum 80 per cent milk fat as specified by the food standards. Here, in this report, we’ve tested eight table butter brands in a NABL accredited lab and checked them on different parameters. Besides, we went to check some other factors through a series of tests such
as adulteration, microbiological and sensory tests. Here’s a report revealing the best table butter brand for you.

Butter is the fatty product primarily in the form of an emulsion of the type water in-oil derived exclusively from milk or milk products, or both.

Butter may be of following types:

1) Table Butter    2) White Butter

Coming to table butter, it is the product made from pasteurised cream obtained from milk and milk products, with or without ripening with the use of standard lactic culture, addition of common salt, annatto or carotene as permitted colouring matter, and diacetyl as flavouring agent.
Now, what is white butter? It is the product made from pasteurised cream obtained from milk and milk products thereof, without ripening and without addition of any preservative including common salt, any added colouring matter, or any added flavouring agent.
Nutritionally butter has minimum 80 per cent milk fat (mostly saturated), 12-16 per cent water, 2 per cent nonfat milk solids as curd (lactose, protein), and 2 per cent added salt. It is the most concentrated of dairy products, containing about 740 kilocalories per 100 grams (210 kilocalories per ounce). Butter is a good source of vitamin A and has a small amount of vitamin D.

How We Test

The brand samples of eight table butter brands have been tested following the FSSAI requirements and BIS standard IS: 13690 specifications for pasteurised butter. Consumer VOICE tested the eight regular selling brands on a range of quality, safety and acceptability parameters. These included milk fat, milk solids not fat, curd, moisture, acidity and common salt. The brands have been further tested to qualify adulteration, microbiological and sensory tests. We followed the standard test methods at a NABL-accredited laboratory.

The table below shows which brand secures what rank as per their performance scores.

RankScore out of 100Brand NameMRP
in Rs.
Net Weight, gmPrice of per 100 gm, Rs.Best Before, MonthsManufacturer/marketer’s Name
193Verka235500478The Punjab State Co-Operative Milk Producers Federation Ltd.,
292Patanjali2255004512Patanjali Ayurved Limited
292President54100546Tirumala Milk Products Pvt Ltd.
391Gowardhan2505005012Parag Milk Foods Pvt. Ltd.,
490Britannia571005712Britannia Dairy Pvt Ltd
490Nova481004812Sterling Agro Industries Ltd
490Amul481004812Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd,Anand
589Mother Dairy481004812Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetable Pvt. Ltd,

CV Recommendations

Top Performer


Value for Money Brand


Key findings

• In overall performance, brand Verka performed on top followed by Patanjali and President.

• In overall performance, brand Verka performed on top followed by Patanjali and President.

• Our Value for Money brand is Patanjali.

• Highest fat has been found in President followed by Verka and Patanjali.

• Moisture has been found lowest in Verka and highest in Nova.

• In sensory tests, Amul has performed on top followed by Mother Dairy and Britannia.

• Salt has been found lowest in President and highest in Amul.

• All the brands have passed in microbiological tests thus these are safe for consumption.

• All the brands have met all the Food Safety & Standard Regulations requirements.

Brand ParameterWt.
VerkaPatanjaliPresidentGowardhanBritanniaNovaAmulMother Dairy
Milk Fat3028.526.128.824.625.224.924.324.3
Acidity (as lactic acid)54.504.754.504.754.754.754.504.75
Common Salt as NaCI32.
Reicher Meissl value of extracted fat666666666
Butyro-Refractometer reading of extracted fat666666666
Net Weight222222222
Microbiological tests*121212121212121212
Sensory Panel Tests#2019.2918.7618.0719.0619.39

Rating: >90 – Excellent *****, 71-90- Very Good ****, 51-70- Good ***, 31-50- Average **, upto 30 – Poor*

*Microbiological tests include Aerobic Plate Count, Yeast & Mould Count, Coliform Count, Escherichia Coli,

Staphylococcus Aureus, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes

#Sensory Panel Tests includes Colour & Appearance, Flavour, Body & Texture, Package

Test Results

Milk Fat

It is a major constituent of the butter where the requirement of fat is 80 per cent minimum for table butter. Fat is an essential part of any balanced diet, providing essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins and a concentrated source of energy. It is a major constituent of butter.
Fat was found above minimum specified limit of 80 per cent in all the brands thus fulfilled the minimum laid down standard requirement. Milk fat has been found highest in brand President followed by Verka and Patanjali.

Sensory Panel Tests

The quality and acceptance of butter have been checked on the basis of its sensory characteristics which are important to consumers. The samples have been judged by an expert panel on these attributes: a) colour & appearance, b) flavour,c) body and texture, and d) packaging. The test guidelines have been followed as prescribed in Indian Standard IS: 7769-1975. In sensory tests, Amul performed on top followed by Mother Dairy and Britannia. The brand President has been preferred low.

Microbiological Tests

Microbiological contamination is a serious issue for milk and milk products. Microorganisms are responsible for many food-borne diseases. We conducted tests as per FSS Regulations, for yeast and mould count, aerobic plate count, coliform count, E. coli, S. aureus, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. All the brands passed in these tests thus, they are safe for consumption.


Curd shall be 1.0 per cent maximum as per the Indian standard and 1.5 as per Agmark. All the brands were found within the specified limit.It was highest in President and lowest in Gowardhan.
Reicher Meissl value of extracted fat
Reichert Meissl (RM) value determines adulteration. FSSAI regulation has separate requirement for cotton tract and non-cotton tract areas. All the brands have compiled with the FSS Regulation requirement thus these are not adulterated.

Butyro-Refractometer reading at 40OC of extracted fat

BR reading can be used to check adulteration, if any, of milk fat. An increase in BR reading indicates adulteration with vegetable oil.
If BR reading diverges from the prescribed limit for variability, presence of foreign fat may be suspected. All the brands have been found within the specified range of FSS Regulation limit, thus they have met the requirement and are not adulterated.

Physico-chemical Tests


Moisture content assesses the presence of water in the product. Maximum permissible limit of moisture is 16 per cent maximum in table butter. The presence of moisture is inherent in butter processing and to some extent is good for maintaining the taste and odour. But an excess of moisture compromises the quality of the butter. All the brands have been found well within the specified standard limit. Moisture was lowest in Verka and highest in Nova.

Acidity as lactic acid

Acidity is due to lactic acid produced by the action of bacteria. Acidity increases with storage time; this parameter is a means of checking storage conditions. It should be 0.15 maximum as per the Indian standard. All brands have been found within the specified limit.

Milk Solid Not Fat(curd)

SNF stands for solid not fat. SNF in table butter shall be a maximum two per cent by mass as per FSS Regulations. SNF has been found within the permissible limit of 2.0 per cent maximum in all the brands.

Common Salt as NaCI

Salt is added in butter as a preservative and also as a taste enhancer. Salt must be homogenously mixed during the processing of butter to give it a uniform taste. It shall be 3 per cent maximum as per the FSS regulation. All the brands have been added with salt. Patanjali butter used Sendha Namak (rock salt).We found the lowest quantity of salt in brand President and highest in Amul.


Packing should be proper and of permitted food grade materials because it protects the product from deterioration and increases its shelf life. Each pack should also carry information about
the characteristics of the product and/or the claims of the manufacturer. The samples were verified against the requirements as given in the relevant Indian Standards. All the brands were wrapped in printed butter paper and packed in hard paper box.


The product shall be marked as per national standard requirement. This gives information about the characteristics of the product and/ or claim of the manufacturer, which help consumers on selection of the product. Marking on product label were verified against the marking requirements. All the brands have required information on label.
Net Weight (in grams)
Net weight shall be not less than the limit prescribed in legal metrology. All the brands have been found above the claimed value.



Salted or Unsalted Butter: Which Should I Use When?

Salted or Unsalted Butter: Which Should I Use When?

The clear difference between salted and unsalted butter is the presence of salt. Mostly unsalted butter is made with 100% cream, salted butter will have some salt added to it. The exact amount of salt present in the butter will depend on the brand. Salted butter also lasts longer in the refrigerator, since salt acts as a preservative.

Aside from salt content, the temperature of your butter also matters when you’re cooking or baking. Too warm and the cake will be too flat or dense. Too cold and you will have chunks of butter in the cake mixture. 


  • Most often than not, salted butter is used in cooking. However, it’s also a great spread which can be eaten right out of the fridge. It can also be used for sandwiches or breads in general.
  • Salted butter also serves as an oil; because butter is 80% fat therefore full of flavour.  You can sauté your onions and garlic in it or use it for a bake dish.
  • Basically, this butter gives that added richness, saltiness, and depth to your dish. Depending on the amount of salt content, there might even be times when you don’t have to add salt to the recipe.


  • Unsalted butter works best for baking. Most baked dishes needs the flexibility of sodium content and we know that desserts need minimum amount of salt.
  • Unsalted butter also helps you create desserts that are fluffier and not flat or dense due to its low water content. Overall unsalted butter gives the dessert a nice texture.
  • Without the added salt in the unsalted butter, the pure sweet cream taste comes through and you can add the exact amount of salt you want in the recipe.

None of the two kinds of butter are better than the other. This is because both salted and unsalted butter serve for different purposes. However, salted butter has several potential disadvantages, like increasing the “bad” cholesterol levels in your body, increasing the risk of coronary illness, and increasing your risk of hypertension. On the other hand, there are several advantages of consuming unsalted butter, such as it being rich in fat-soluble vitamins, containing important trace nutrients, and possibly reducing the risk of heart diseases. You must consume unsalted butter in moderation, however, to avoid its disadvantages like excess fat content.


Best butter for baking pound cake

Best butter for baking pound cake

We live in a world full of choices , it’s confusing to choose a simple thing like butter. The grocery store shelves are crowded with different brands and varieties, yet most recipe still just say “butter.” Choosing butter for baking can become a task.

The traditional salted butter or table butter is always at one’s home. It makes the dishes better. However, when choosing for baking the best is unsalted butter. Using unsalted butter gives you complete control over the overall flavor of your recipe. This is important when baking cakes or cookies, where the unadulterated sweet cream flavor of butter allows the natural sweetness of your ingredients to come out.

Some recipes call for using unsalted butter and then adding salt. This helps you to avoid clashing certain flavors, and you can get the right balance between savory and sweet by adding the exact amount of salt you want in the recipe later.


In the past, pound cakes got their name by putting a pound of butter, flour and sugar to make the cake. There are numerous variations of pound cakes today, but an all time favorites has a delicious buttery flavor. The butter is what gives this cake its amazing texture! The fat content in butter and eggs help keep this cake moist, but the touch of milk also helps this cake stay soft. It has just 6 tablespoons of milk which doesn’t seem like much but it’s necessary. If you would like to try a different variation, add buttermilk instead. Buttermilk always softens the crumb in cakes. This cake makes a great coffee cake or a simple evening dessert.


You can make an interesting mix of butters at your house. The butter has to be at room temperature, cream the butter make it lighter and using a wooden spoon or mixer. Think of your flavouring from honey to herbs, you can be creative. Blend the flavouring well with a wooden spoon to get best results. Make sure the butter stays at room temperature for at least an hour to allow the flavours to merge. 

Here are a few ideas:

  • Honey Cinnamon Butter: Addition of cinnamon and honey makes the perfect butter for bread and muffins.
  • Vanilla Butter: Vanilla butter is great for fresh baked goods, pancakes, French toast and waffles.
  • Butter with herbs: For a lovely addition for fish combine fresh tarragon, lemon zest or juice. You can add your own favourite combinations of fresh herbs.
  • Spicy Butter: For a Mexican twist combine lime juice or zest, coriander and pepper flakes. This is perfect on corn on the cob, but can also work well on seafood or even chicken.
  • Tangy Butter: Citrus butter can be made with lemon, oranges or limes. Simply add zest and juice and smooth.

Flavoured butter offers a deliciously simple way to make everything taste better. Just take out sometime to make the simple butter tastier with these ideas of flavoured butter. Unsalted butter is best for baking, and you can use them to create the simple yet delicious pound cakes.


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