Stakeholders’ Consultation in Madhya Pradesh – ‘Fast Implementation of MVAA 19 to save lives on roads’
Shri Ramji Shrivastava, Superintendent of Police, Headquarter, Bhopal who was the Chief Guest stakeholders consultation in Madhya Pradesh with the objective of ‘fast implementation of MVAA 19 to save lives on roads’ started the event by explaining the reasons behind road accidents. He elaborated on the actions taken by the police department to prevent road accidents and save lives. He said that there are more than 18 lakh vehicles registered in Madhya Pradesh and maximum accidents occurs during 9 am to 12 noon and between 6 pm and 9 pm as against the popular belief of high accidents during night time. He also added that in Madhya Pradesh number of road accidents is more on State highways and within the cities. Grievous injurious are reported more at traffic junctions. Accidents even at zebra crossings causing death of pedestrians have been reported. He also said that people’s awareness and participation are very important to minimize road accidents.
Dr. S.K. Saxena, Senior Surgical Specialist & Civil Surgeon and Former Medical Adviser to Human Rights Commission said that the role of a good Samaritan, especially his/her promptness is very crucial to save lives and thus to reduce fatalities among road accident victims. He highlighted the need for training on road safety and first aid for all from the primary stage in school up to the college to enable them to save lives of road accident victims.
Dr. Rahul Tiwari, Assistant Professor of Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) spoke about the Government of India’s efforts to make over all changes in the existing system through automation of vehicle registration, issuing driving licenses, detection of traffic violation and over speeding etc. He also explained how implementation of Intelligent Traffic Management System could help in detecting traffic violations and help in proper implementation of MVAA 2019. He mentioned about the government initiatives like Saarthi Portal for issuing of driving licenses and Vahan Portal for registration of vehicles. He stressed upon the need for implementation of automatic surveillance system which could be a deterrent to traffic violation. Dr Pradip Nandi, Director General NCHSE was also part of the event.
Shri Hemant Upadhyay, Advisor, Consumer Voice presented the Overview of road safety and Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2019 and pointed out that while during 2018-19 number of road accidents have decreased in some of the states like Tamil Nadu, road accidents continuously increased in Madhya Pradesh. He said that maximum fatalities or grievous injuries are suffered by the working age group, which not only affects but the entire family financially. He stressed on timely implementation of MVAA 2019 which will help in decreasing road accidents in Madhya Pradesh.