Car Safety workshop on August 10, 2017 in Ranchi, Jharkhand

In continuation of project activities of Car Safety Initiative Consumer VOICE along with partners Janaki and Rudra Foundations organised a workshop in Ranchi on 10th August at conference hall of Institute of Public Health,Namkum ,Ranchi Jharkhand.
Ms.Rinki Sharma in her introductory session told about the objectives of this initiative and also discussed various aspects of Car Safety in present scenario.She has discussed about safety features of seat belts, air bags, Automatic Breaking System (ABS),importance of safety features in vehicles especially in cars.
Further she also discussed about various steps taken on the global front and in Indian scenario such as Bharat New Vehicle Safety assessment Programme.
A short documentary film based on real life experiences of the victim/victim’s family members was shown to the audience. They appreciated the efforts through short film to make people aware about importance of safety aspects.
Another short video was shown to audience on safety belts and their importance.
Shri Vinay Kumar of Maruti Motor Driving Training School and Shri Tariq, experts from automobile sector discussed various safety aspects while driving on roads and how these safety features play an important role in today’s fast changing scenario. They discussed with audience through interactive session about technologies involved, how safety features works and why they are important.
They also asked audience to ask queries on safety features from manufacturers /car dealers while buying cars.
Shri Saket Singh of Rudra Foundation told that consumers prefer colour designinteriors and comfort over safety features while buying a car.He has also urged the audience to spread the message across and demand for basic safety features to be mandatory in all cars to government.
Shri Anjum of Prajwala foundation also emphasized on implementation of BNCAP without delay in consumer friendly way.
Consumers, representatives from Consumer and Civil Society Organsations, students and women participated in the programme with great enthusiasm .There was an interactive session of question answer and queries were answered by experts.