GAW Sensitisation Workshops
Sensitisation workshop with children
A sensitization workshop with children was organised in collaboration with Let’s Educate Children In Need (LECIN) at Madanpur Khadar Delhi on 1st October 2022 as a part of Green Action Week.
The main focus of the activities was to educate children on plastic pollution, perils of single use plastic, impact on environment and to reduce plastic from our daily lives. Experts from Consumer VOICE team interacted with children through the way of storytelling to engage them and also to get their ideas /thoughts on reducing plastic pollution.
More than 45 children participated with full enthusiasm in the workshop. The workshop was organised at an open library where children from lower income group are coming to take advantage of reading facilities organised by let’s educate children in need facilitators .There is no concrete road to reach to this place and it’s in the interiors.
Rinki Sharma, Project lead Consumer VOICE gave various examples of plastic pollution, its impact on environment, on animals and on marine life. Children were given demo on recycling plastic bottles for planting air purifying plants.Paras, plantation expert demonstrated various air purifying plants and how to plant those using plastic bottles for recycling. We encouraged children to utilize up cycled bottles for planting purpose. For this purpose material was given to children and groups were formed. Children participated in the group exercises with full enthusiasm.
Mr.Rohit Kumar, founder of LECIN and Himanshu Chauhan, coordinator, LECIN supported the activities and emphasised on more of such activity based prograrammes for children. Other facilitators also joined the activities and helped in coordination.
Information on sustainable alternatives were also given such as using cloth, jute bags etc. Various queries were addressed by the experts on plastic pollution, its disposal, and problems in burning, impact of health etc.
Children were given cloth bags as a part of activities along with plantation material such as air purifying plants, up cycled bottles which were specially prepared for plantation purpose to utilize to make planters.
Sensitisation workshop with women
An Interactive workshop was organised at Jahangirpuri Delhi on plastic pollution with women and young girls on 8th October 2022 as a part of Green Action Week activities.
The purpose of the workshop was to make the target aware about perils of single use plastic and to engage them towards recycling /reuse the single use plastic material to contribute to environment.
We organised an interactive workshop with the focus on women and young girls to come forward to be part of joint actions to fight with plastic pollution. More than 40 women and young girls joined the workshop.
Beena Sharma, educationist and environment saviour gave various examples of impact of single use plastic products on environment and what could be various sustainable alternatives in our daily lives. She urged the women participants and young girls to avoid plastic by using available sustainable alternatives. She also shared about various initiatives by various organisations and people to recycle the plastic material in most innovative way.
Rinki Sharma, project lead, Consumer VOICE also gave various examples such as not to use plastic wrapping of gifts in festival season ,using natural products while decoration ,avoiding plastic bottles and collecting plastic material and sending to recycling centres.
A Demo to up cycle the plastic bottles for plantation purpose was done. Women participants and girls were also encouraged to plant using up cycled bottles.
Information on various purifying plants was given and how to turn plastic cans, bottles into planters through demo was given. Participants also shared various ways to reduce plastic pollution and traditional ways used in households to reduce the plastic material such as mud vessels, pots etc. instead of plastic containers.
We witnessed great enthusiasm among participants and their queries were addressed. Our workshop was designed to train the trainers so that participants train more people in the community through the knowledge gained in the workshop and also through action oriented efforts. Various myths around plastic material, its disposal were also addressed.
Cloth bags were distributed among participants encourage them to switch to sustainable alternatives.
Youth Sensitization Activities
A plastic waste collection drive by Consumer VOICE with local youth members was organised in Lajpat Nagar, Delhi as a part of Green Action Week activities on 7th Oct.
The workshop aimed to sensitize youths to take actions to fight with plastic pollution for sustainable and green pollution.
Consumer VOICE team members sensitized local youths to collect plastic waste for recycling purposes and these youth with help of local resident welfare association.
Consumer VOICE team member’s sensitized local youths to collect plastic waste for recycling purposes and these youth with help of local resident welfare association collected plastics and interacted with residents of various blocks.
After collection of plastic waste it was sent to the collection centre of the identified local recycling centre by one of the team members.
In continuation of our efforts to sensitise youth on plastic pollution we conducted a special session on 8th October at Jahangirpuri with local youths and encouraged them to discuss ideas and ways to reduce plastic pollution.
Our team members also shared various examples with them of impact of plastic pollution on environment and how experts are trying to address the issues. Various myths were also addressed around plastic material which we used in our daily lives.